Reviews for For you my Love
ExiledValkyrie chapter 15 . 4/25
Does that mean they never saw their brothers again?
Castiel Angel Heart chapter 14 . 12/9/2014
I legit love this, and can freely admit I cried a little.
rhododendron kaempferi chapter 14 . 7/26/2014
congratulations, you made me cry :)
rhododendron kaempferi chapter 8 . 7/26/2014
nina is extremely talented but i hate elena so much!
rhododendron kaempferi chapter 7 . 7/26/2014
enter dramatic music here ;)
rhododendron kaempferi chapter 6 . 7/26/2014
yes, elena bashing. and that statement is so accurate, she is worse than kat.
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 10 . 3/17/2014
well that was easy
SaySomethingNiceDarling chapter 6 . 3/17/2014
they are fools to not think someone would come for revenge when they killed someone
NoPenName2015 chapter 15 . 7/25/2013
Beautiful. Made me tear up. ')
guest chapter 15 . 7/9/2013
loved your story ... loved how you didn't make kol come bank to life, like Bonnie bringing Jeremy back that just sucked supposedly it's impossible to anyone but them if they can bring Jeremy back why not just bring everyone else back to, but instead you maid Dalia sacrifice herself for rebekahs happiness. Did she know she would see Kol once she was dead?
CassandraBuzolic chapter 15 . 4/12/2013
I miss Kol soooo much he ws mi fav character in tvd! So immature and amusing yet utterly sadistic at tymz he ws phenomenal! I rilli hatd Jeremy 4 killing Kol! But lik u said in da story it ws dat bitch Elenaz fault! She such a manipulative cow! Alwayz goin on bout how she's nuthing lik Katherine at least Kat had da decency to admit dat she manipulated people but deep dwn Kat ws jst lukin 4 luv unlike Elena who is under the deluded impression dat everything she's doin is helpin ppl Bitch! Btw didnt Kat an Elijah made da perf couple in ep 18?

Aniwayz soz 4 rambling I gt all emotional an shit wen Elena an Kol gt mentiond! She shuda died nt him! Glad u killd hr off in da story! I rilli hate Silas if da twerp wsnt sooo obsessd wiv being reunited wiv his dead lover den all da shit dat happnd prob wudnt hav! Cnt beliv wat he did 2 Nik! Kol ws sooo right bout wakenin him but da dum assholes wer sooo frikin obsessd wiv da bloody stupid cure dat dey ignord his warning jst lik dey ignord his death!

Fab story! As u prob realized I tend 2 ramble a lot! But jst shows how much I likd ur story! Dey wer reunited in da end! :') Rebekah an Stefan made a gud couple it ws sweet dat dey named der firstborn Kol! Cn totalli imagine a miniature kol running round causing mischief an chaos!

trinket107 chapter 11 . 4/7/2013
I love this story thats about all I can say its beautifully written I can really feel dalia and kols connection cant wait to read more
Pace1818 chapter 14 . 2/18/2013
This was truly another great chapter. ANd I'm glad Rebekah found the happiness that she longed for.
Pace1818 chapter 13 . 2/18/2013
Thanks for the little shoutout. And you're welcome. It was such a great story. I loved it. Especially killing off Elena.
Siamena chapter 14 . 2/15/2013
you should do , like a chapter ,?explaining bekahs life :)
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