Reviews for Displacement
Surreal's Stiletto chapter 9 . 6/9/2014
GvMeOneResn chapter 9 . 4/26/2014
Really well done and wonderful Lenzi fic. Thanks!
Shadowedkiss chapter 9 . 4/25/2014
A Lauren/Kenzi pairing never occurred to me before, unless it was a triad group with Bo :D I enjoyed the portrayals of each character- the peeks into their thoughts, struggles, and moments of happiness. Very well done.
mykes chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
"After all, we're only human." Haha awesome. :D
xxraug-mossxx chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
what an amazing little piece!
after re-watching the first season and being remembered of that scene when Bo hallucinates and sees Lauren and Kenzi kissing, I thought that there must be some Lauren/Kenzi fics out there. and imagine my delight when I found this story :D
switching between perspectives isn't easy I guess, but you have their voices down so well! Kenzi is so funny, and Lauren all science-y and both are amazingly cute.
I really liked the way you portrayed their relationship and how they were sort of afraid of telling Bo but knowing that they are meant for each other.
also very interesting how you depicted Bo, with her changing body and growing powers. I think it is going in that direction with the show anyway, that she will be the most poweful Fae eva, but we'll see.
anyways, great fic! I really enjoyed it. and of course cutest ending!
thank you for writing and sharing.
y1trouble chapter 9 . 5/25/2013
Gayer than Fiction chapter 9 . 4/30/2013
Thanks for this story! Loved your characterization and your choice for Bo's journey. You even managed to kind of make me like Tamsin, and that's no small feat...

I'm not much of a Kenzi/Lauren enthusiast, and in the realm of the show, I would like to see them reach out to each other as friends, but you made their story as lovers here very believable. Great stuff, well done!
rookie802 chapter 9 . 4/16/2013
Good story!
doccubus lurver chapter 9 . 4/15/2013
This chapter is kinda bittersweet for me. I am so doccubus and truly believe they belong together and complete each other. But this story and pairing has been a nice little alternative universe. Thanks for the update.
Zombie Dino chapter 8 . 3/24/2013
Kenzi/Lauren AND Bo/Tamsin? ALL MY YES.

But really, I like this story and I'm definitely going to keep track of it ]
doccubus lurver chapter 8 . 3/20/2013
Kenzi just makes me laugh and you have captured that. I'm anxious to see how you end your wonderful little story. It has been quite the adventure. Wondering how Bo could be quite so accepting of her 'humans' hooking up; but you kinda addressed that. Nice update.
Kravn chapter 8 . 3/19/2013
I'm glad that Bo and Kenzi were able to talk and mend fences.

What exactly is Bo feeling? She's still in love with Lauren but relieved that they're not together because of her fear of killing her? I mean, it's normal to still be hurt despite rational thinking. I'm looking forward to Bo and Lauren being alone to talk. It's kinda over due.

And good job with your Kenzi-isms.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/19/2013
Well, as a doccubus, I would rather see Lauren end up with Bo. However, Lauren is my favorite character in LG, so I also check other Lauren-focused stories. Honestly, Kenzi/Lauren might be my second favor. Their characteristics kind of complete each other. I will keep an eye on this story. :)
doccubus lurver chapter 7 . 3/5/2013
I love this story, even though it freaks me out a little. It's just such a different take on the Lost Girl world. You are doing it incredible justice. Thanks.
Kendra chapter 7 . 3/5/2013
I believe the appropriate response to this chapter is squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
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