Reviews for Not what we'd expect
blu chapter 9 . 4/11
wait wait wait wait what happened to kise?! did he go with ghost kuroko? ummmmmm?
blu chapter 2 . 4/11
this is FINE kise is just a bit insane it's fine

god why do i like these kind of stories
Pokeevee57 chapter 9 . 5/17/2017
*sniff* Kuroko-kun! :,( Loved the emotions in here.
gsinbyk chapter 9 . 1/17/2014
Omg this was amazing and so sad. But I'm a little confused about Kise. What happened to him? x
Sarekkandarikulover chapter 9 . 5/12/2013
I love this soooooooooooooo much! Please please please make a sequel if its not to late!
Another observer of the world chapter 9 . 2/14/2013
I am soo sorry that I review only now but I have a problem with my connection with the internet .
Anyway CONGRATULATIONS I am soo happy to see that this sory is finally finished but in the same time I am wery sad. _ The final was somewhat like what I expectet : Kuroko to move on or something like that.
Yet I may seem a little anoying but What happened with Kise I dont understand too well ? -_-?

Again I want to thak you that you decidet to stick to my stupid request and to continue the story. It made me verry happy everyday after school I would hurry to open the computer only to read the new chapter that you would thave put.

Thank you again with all my heart and I am sad that you will no longer update anything for one year.
Hope from the bottom of my heart to see you again health andhappy
With Love chuy _

PS: my mail hope to keep in touch
xtehmurffinzx chapter 9 . 2/13/2013
Made me cry. Damn. Final chapter. ;_;
xtehmurffinzx chapter 8 . 2/13/2013
Mein gott. I love this story. I'm currently at work and i read through the entire thing while here. Bad employee? Ha! I'm 19 (20 in like 1 week, whatever) and i'm IN CHARGE. So i figure i'm a good enough employee to be slacking ever so slightly. (It's not busy right now anyways so i'm not needed.) Anyways. To the point. This was absolutely amazing. Everything was vivid and well executed. At the end of this, i was ah... squealing with anticipation? So yea. I can't wait for the final chapter. Although i love when a story continues, i don't know what would happen in the sequel that could par with this. But nontheless, i'm not saying i wouldn't want one. Much love to you and your amazing author-iness skills
xtehmurffinzx chapter 4 . 2/13/2013
Holy freak. Way to go deep with that story Tetsu told Ryou
BlackCat1412 chapter 8 . 2/12/2013
plz continue
animeangel98 chapter 8 . 2/12/2013
I kinda like how only the GoM can see Tetsu..uhoh Akashi has summoned them all wonder what will happen..can't wait for more..please update soon..
Bree chapter 7 . 2/12/2013
Sorry I didn't review before! Blizzard Nemo knocked out my power, it was a sad time, haha. Anyways, loved these two new chapters! This one was a little difficult to understand at first, but it all made sense at the end. I really never expected this story to go that far or get so emotional really haha, I remember thinking it would just be very short little chapters on all the GoM members and how they saw ghost Kuroko and accepted it after they'd been grieving. I am pleased with how it's turned out though, still feeling like Kise's lost his marbles but I'm also cheering for him at the same time. I don't know what's right or wrong haha! OH well! Love this story :D
Another observer of the world chapter 6 . 2/9/2013
I knew you were fast at writing but this is just AWESOME
You write so fast and neat and full of detailes that I cant keep up with you ! So Happy _
I just dont want this tory to end but everything has its end _
hope to see Akashi soon he he
With the ALL Love in the World chyu
Kagehana.Tsukio chapter 6 . 2/8/2013
ben4kevin chapter 6 . 2/8/2013
noo korokochi
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