Reviews for Beyond the Fire
zerodarkwolf chapter 14 . 9/26/2019
I just wanted the presos F to pay respectos to my favorito fanfiction in the citadel. A damn masterpiece, i wonder what autor is doing rn. I bet getting writing awards
britnayc chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
This is legitimately my favorite Mass Effect fic. Reading it yet again! I really hope you decide the finish the series!
K chapter 31 . 1/4/2019
I found this fic via the cover art on Tumblr and I am so, so glad I did. I actually haven't played Mass Effect yet (too busy replaying Dragon Age umpteen times) but I think you did an excellent job making the plot of the game into a prose narrative - it flows really well and I never felt confused or like I was missing key info.
Nicole is also great - I love how you handled all of her insecurities so carefully, and what a good counterpoint that vulnerability made to her badassery in combat. This is a great angle on the (often OP) video game protagonist as a rounded character!
Vargas and her squad's death is the single thing that stuck with me the most. It was just... so sudden and awful and it shook me to my core. Great writing there.
Looking forward to reading DragonRise!
citadelsushi chapter 15 . 11/26/2018
Damn this was an awesome chapter.
citadelsushi chapter 8 . 11/23/2018
This chapter hurt just like I expected.
citadelsushi chapter 7 . 11/23/2018
This chapter warmed my heart. You captured Anderson's voice really well. I was reading through his comms and was like, holy shit, it's just like the citadel dlc. And then that last line happened and now I'm sad.
7serotonin chapter 11 . 12/13/2017
YAY I loved the bonding between Joker and Shep 3
Ink And Blade chapter 31 . 6/14/2017
Amazing story! The characters and world building are spot on! It's such a shame it doesn't have nearly the recognition it deserves, but I'm glad to have had the good fortune to read this hidden gem. On to the sequel with high hopes I go!
Pallan Minerva chapter 31 . 6/9/2017
Ah, finally. A good Mass Effect story. It's been a pleasure to read this, your writing style is good and so is your developments. Very little contrived bullshit. Good stuff.
theherocomplex chapter 4 . 2/16/2017
I love how Nicole is so uneasy with so many things we take for granted - pizza! - but that she's also starting to allow herself small moments of connection. I'm terrified for what that means for her, if it goes wrong, even as I enjoy seeing her wake up and bond with people.

And Delilah is just great. :D
Efeye chapter 31 . 2/1/2017
Whew, I usually just read fics on the train ride to and from work but this had me glued almost non stop. There are very few stories that have compelled me to just sit and read during lunch breaks at work, but this was definately one.

One little detail that I loved is the little different biological quirks that you casually give people that just makes sense, for example that asari can't wear helmets (Liara's helmet is noticabely different to the human version in me1, and most enemies you encounter wear helmets except asari) or that turians are carnivorous (explains their impressive set of incisors). Those tiny details add a lot to the world building and immersiveness of the story and shows either that you are very well-informed on the lore or have an excellent attention to detail, for as far as I know traits are not mentioned in canon.
Saberfan83 chapter 31 . 1/17/2017
I love the Shepard you wrote for this fic. Haven't enjoyed a story this much since the Dark Energy series by Melaradark.
NattyWright chapter 31 . 1/2/2017
I've just come back to reread this story and I can honestly say it is my favourite mass effect novel by far.

Nicole is one of the most unique and interesting characters I've ever had the pleasure to read. Thank you for such s wonderful story and I cannot wait to read the sequel. And finally give it the reviews it deserves.
MrTreize chapter 31 . 11/17/2016
You'd think after all this time after the trilogy end I would be tired of reading ME stories, but I always seem to run across gems like your story to keep me reading. What a story. I do love the origin of Shepard in this story, in a way it suits her more with all the extra backstory. I am going to start your next story in this series, keep up the great work!
Riptide chapter 5 . 10/25/2015
Just rereading in anticipation of the next DragonRise update (which will come when it comes and will be brilliant), and I have to reiterate that this is my favourite chapter of BtF. Rakesh, the dream, all of's brilliant. And the steak knife is pure genius.
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