Reviews for A Man Worthy for Aomine Daiki
Trickster79 chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
Loved it! Very funny and fluffy :)
Kagamicchi30 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Gaaaaaahhh! OMG! That was so cute! hehe3 Oh how awesome it would be if Fujimaki-sensei did ship them together! /
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
aokaga sweet chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Eh is it the end already? Eeeh, I want more 3 ah well, it was perfect while it lasts, hahahahaBut seriously,you have a unique idea for making them work for Fujimaki-sensei hahahaha if only he really did ship them! LOLXD
MayIGoOutSensei chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
Dear Fujimaki-sensei,

I just couldn't agree more! ;)
Ablueberrynight chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
'I ship us' damnn that is really a badass way of a declaration of love. Aww with this maji tenshi couple being so precious, i am hook with this ship already and i like the style of your writing keep it up.
Mamita chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Kyaaaa! I love your fic, mostly because I love Kagami, I love, uke is so cute, I love the couple AominexKagami, is my favorite, but I also like Kagami with other couples, provided Kagami be uke, sorry I can not see any other way, lol, keep it up, hopefully do more fics of them, lol, well keep it up, thanks and kisses.
Irma.Arisa.Laye chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
I'm not really into AoKaga... I'm more of a AoKi and KagaKuro fan... BUT, the summary was just too tempting- and after reading, I did think it was awfully cute! :D If I find any other interesting AoKaga out there, I'll be sure to give them a try... Well, for now, I'm having too much fun reading AkaFuri though! LOL (Fanfiction written in English are so few and far in between... but I discovered a website with hardcore AkaFuri fans- I'm so thankful I'm half Japanese and learned Japanese that I can actually read and understand the stories! LOL Sorry for blabbing about AkaFuri XD

I like this setting, definitely! Please write more about it- how about a MidoTaka...? :) Midorima's Fujimaki-sensei's editor- but what is Takao to Midorim? :D
Yaoigoddess01 chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
Oh I did truly enjoy that so sweet. I would have loved more but this was awesome thank you for sharing!
denOden chapter 1 . 2/8/2013
The idea of making GoM plus Kagami as Fuj(imaki tadat)oshi sensei assistants is very interesting! Why write only oneshot? Try to write how all of them works or problems that occurs during the jobs it would be fun
the emperor chapter 1 . 2/8/2013
Fujimaki-sensei, you are genius.
kaagehide chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
I first read this over on Tumblr, but I saw it on here, and wanted to read it again, so I did, and now I am giving you a proper review

I really enjoyed this, and the whole concept of them being Fujimaki's assistants

/goes off to read your other fics...

...wait, I already did. /sobs

Ahah, but really great story!
Once L chapter 1 . 2/5/2013


I liked w

I love you this.

Thanks for writing this :)
Edainwen chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
owww that you mak them editors of manga is just so great! i love that! haaha is like bakuman-kuroko no basquet hahahahhaha
n the way he is a maniac of cleanig is great!. owww hahhaha the dear fujoshi love them so much! it is truly great the plot you set. the story in a story is just so amaizing. i see this first time in Tumblr hahahha so good! love you i will put this straight i the community if you are ok with that. please just pm me n truly thanks thanks for the aokaga love you made, n share love you!
Fantita chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
I loved this story! It was funny and refreshing! I like how you made the guys fit into Fujimaki-sensei's work life lol.
And of course, the interaction between Aomine and Kagami was great! I especially loved when they had to reply to all that fanmail, I had a good laugh with the reply to "Mr ManlyPoliceman" haha.
Great job!
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