Reviews for Yugioh Mulan
luckyinugirl chapter 2 . 2/26/2019
third time reading this! Love it!
MackieRay chapter 4 . 2/20/2018
1) loved when Seto forced the cook to feed 'Jono'.

2) The end with Ushio. I hate that guy.

3) It was great. The end of the song will always, be my fav moment in that particular song.

4) No. but I want to apologize for not actually answering the questions before.

5) The original sections are great. It makes the story really fun.
MackieRay chapter 11 . 2/14/2018
Thank you for writing this! I loved it so much. Joey and Seto's kiss was my favorite part in the whole story. Some might say it was electrifying. I'm one of them but that's besides the point. Can't wait to read Yu-Gi-Oh Mulan2.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
You made Valon a dog;! HAHAHAHAHA. CD I like that one. It's not like I don't like him. I actually like him a lot. But... HAHAHAHAHA XD
Shoetsu Otaku chapter 5 . 4/12/2016
So twins can have two yamis? Interesting.
Shoetsu Otaku chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
This story is giving me kingdom hearts vibes with the yami and hikari like vibes. It's like the Nobodies all over again. Thanks for writing.
ClumsyWrighter chapter 11 . 12/10/2015
what? no merrige proposal?
ClumsyWrighter chapter 6 . 12/10/2015
lol this count be done i an one hour movie whit all theyr banter XD
ya chapter 11 . 9/30/2014
i loved it its the best one of my favs thank for writting it
Kai'kel the Fereldan Magister chapter 11 . 9/9/2014
Well, that was both a great story and a fun read. I like how you did not just copy and paste the Yu-Gi-Oh characters into the Mulan roles, you changed the roles to fit the character's personalities. The romance between Seto and Joey felt both natural and organic, and I admire the fact that you took a risk and didn't end with a cliche kiss. It lends the story a touch more realism than a standard fairy tale.

Now, there are two flaws I must address
1.) There were some grammar mistakes here and there. I would recommend, after finishing a chapter, you wait a few hours, and then proof it. Give your brain a chance to recover.

2.) Second, while I do admire the yami/hikari concept, I felt it was a bit underdeveloped. While you did delve into some of the details of this custom, I was left with a few questions on how some thing work. For instance, how is it determined whether someone is a yami, a hikari, or a normal? What, exactly, is the difference between a yami or hikari and a normal person? You touched on the idea that this is a practice unique to this universe's Japan, but why? It seems to be more than a simple cultural custom, if hikari male's can bear children, so why isn't this a more widespread thing? Try and work some explanations to these questions into your writing. I know you can do it.

On the whole, this was a great story with some flaws, but I am looking forward to seeing more from you. Keep up the good work.

-Lord Kai'kel
mulanmulan chapter 11 . 6/16/2014
This is so interesting! Due to the singing parts, I read the story in singing tunes and it was so much fun for me.

You are an incredible author. I'm off to mulan 2. Thank you.
YuGiOhFanatic chapter 11 . 11/8/2013
On the whole this was a great story, and I have read your other Disney take-offs aswell. They really are all brilliant, but I have to ask if you have considered a YuGiOh Cinderella. (My little sister loves that film!)
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 11 . 9/30/2013
every chapter with a song in it but in particular the Make a Man out of you chapter and I HATE that revealing of who Joey/Mulan really is part followed by the no one listening when she's trying to tell them something
puppy is ok and I'm intrigued by what you intend to do with its sequel if Red Eyes intends to be a marriage blocker keep it up gtg now JA NE
eatingthategyptianass chapter 11 . 9/15/2013
1. Any part where Joey and Seto fight or at the party when Joey said "Do I have a molest me sign on my back?!" XD that was funny!
2. The part where Joey jumped off the roof and was in a coma
3. Chapter 10 from zero to hero
4. I have two Ushio and Duke
5. Just fuck yeah
6. I don't have to wait I'm going to read it in a second
7. I can't now
eatingthategyptianass chapter 10 . 9/15/2013
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