Reviews for The Junior Year
Guest chapter 2 . 4/2/2019
I ship tommy x lil pluse it cut when he calls her lily
freaktrains chapter 8 . 10/25/2012
That was a good story! Can't wait to start Cruel Summer. However I'm a little hesitant because of the word Cruel. Oh well, I'll just have to read on!
freaktrains chapter 5 . 10/23/2012
Well... I just went through 5 LONG chapters of this story with out posting a review and now I feel a little guilty. So here it is. it's a great story! I was a little surprised that Dil was gay and Phil is with Angelica. I kind-of thought Phil was gay and Dil just had a friend named Joe. I was also shocked that Tommy didn't accept Dil being gay. I thought he would be more supportive... I mean come on Tommy, Dil's your little brother for Christ's sake! But I'm glad that he got over it and accepted Dil and Joe, just not so happy how it happened.
This is the first story that I have read that has Dil being gay and with someone other than his brother, not that I've read those stories, I've just read the summaries. Well, 3 more LONG chapters to go! I'll let you know what I think at the end. So far, The Junior Year sits in my Favorite Stories list. I hope I can keep it there after this Fan Fic ends.
loverofbooks4eva chapter 8 . 4/30/2011
Wow, this story's old... But it's good! If you could write the planned sequel, I'd love that :D
Kalypso Fox chapter 8 . 3/13/2011
Waaah! It's over! Now I gotta read the next one; oh the horrors, its terrible! Dx lol, just kidding.

great story, poor Dil... Joe's leaving him... sad face T-T

Dil'll probably get hurt again... I hope not, but then the title 'Cruel Summer' would make sense...

where's the man SMEX? xD lol, great story, on to the next one.


~Tomi's Little Jenna~
Kalypso Fox chapter 6 . 3/13/2011
Oh my god, I really love this story. I have to admit, Dil was the one character (besides Chuckie) that I actually have thought would be gay. I can also see him AND Phil being hounded by girls. Lolz; I thought it was gonna be Phil/Dil too, I would've liked that. I'm glad you decided to go with Phil & Angelica, and Dil/Joe! Eeeeeee! (fangirl scream)

I love slash; LOVE that pairing! x3 I normally detest OC's as much as others, though I have my own. (hypocrite moment) if there r slash OC's I like them most of the time. Lol, I dunno; depends I guess.

Anyway, I love Joe; he's so good to/for Dil. I wish Tommy had approved at first, I wouldn't have had to cry for Dil after those stoopid bastards beat him up... god, I HATE hate crimes! I happen to love gay people, & have a few gay friends myself... I was soo scared he wouldn't make it! Or he'd not look like him anymore... I'm glad he's ok; sooo relieved... glad Tommy's ok with their coupling now, too. can't wait for Joe & Dil to take the next step in their relationship either.

Almost done with this story, then on to your next one, and the one after that. I really do love this story, & I can't wait to see how the series ends. Dil is sooo CUTE! Gonna watch me some Rugrats after this too. Can't stop imagining how much more fans the show would have if Dil got to make out with Joe on the show... I would re-watch those scenes over & over... x3
NostalgicDaydream chapter 6 . 7/25/2008
The soothing sounds of Korn? Interesting...
NostalgicDaydream chapter 4 . 7/25/2008
Yay! but I can't believe that Tommy wasn't happy for his brother! I'm glad that everything is turning out okay now, though! As soon as I'm done reading this, it's going into favorites! :D
NostalgicDaydream chapter 2 . 7/25/2008
A gay Dil...?... I LOVE it.
Aslhedge chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
long chapter,but really good!
dracoizumi chapter 5 . 7/31/2005
Have I ever told you that I love you and your idea for this fanfic? I have read this, what, I don't even know how many times. Everytime I read it, I fall in love with it all over again.

I love how you framed the characters so well, and how it all seems so planned out with the couples and how it worked from the beginning. I wish I could write like you. You also have extremly long chapters which I am completely jealos of...

I hope you can write another fanfic liek this, maybe a sequal or something. My favourite pairing of this whole thing has to be Dil/Joe, it is so cute. I have always been a fan of gay boys, and now I am a huge fan of Dil haha.

Is it weird that I am watching All Grown Up as I read this? And picture it happenening in the show? Good work.
dracoizumi chapter 8 . 6/29/2005
I have read this before.. I have read it millions of times. I guess I just read it back in the day when I didn't review...
Azarath111 chapter 8 . 6/28/2005
really good job i loveds it
acosta prez jos ramiro chapter 8 . 5/18/2005
Cool story. It has everything! Comedy, drama, romance, and a little bit of social conscience (intolerance is for suckers!). Keep the good writing.
Squeaker22 chapter 8 . 8/12/2004
Yah, Im Too Lazy To Sign into my account so here it goes... Well Their are Few FanFic's That I read Over and Over Again, and Yes, This Is One. I think you should write the next year, I really liked this story. And I wanna See What Happens Between Lil, and Tommy (My Fav Couple). Well Great Story, Very Well Written. Hope To See A Sequal.

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