Reviews for Two Weeks
Anarchy.For.Her.Chaos chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
I am afflicted with the same disease. Laughing In Serious Situations Disease is an awful and sometimes isolating thing. When my brother came to my job to take me to the hospital, and told me that our dad didn't make it, I laughed and socked him in the arm. No joke.
Nikki1219 chapter 8 . 9/4/2017
Absolutely Amazing, this may be one of my favorite stories ever. Thank you for sharing!
maphie chapter 8 . 4/5/2015
Cool beans.
maphie chapter 7 . 4/5/2015
Ballsy move! He's like Captain Love.
maphie chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
Bree is cute and seems to have more snark and spark than Bella.
maphie chapter 5 . 4/5/2015
Parents can be so dim sometimes. It's like they forget what it's like to be a human at that age. Or maybe it's because they remember so much.
maphie chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
This is a very adorable, self-aware Edward.
edwards-girl-4-ever chapter 8 . 3/22/2014
I liked that
irishnlove2shop chapter 8 . 10/15/2013
Loved it!
NoWayWithWords chapter 8 . 9/1/2013
If I hadn't kept my squeal of happiness internal, it would have been heard all the way to downtown Houston!

I loved the dinner party, Edward's description before it started ("water dripping from the faucet...") had me dying! I was laughing so hard that my husband woke up from his football-induced coma to ask me if I was alright.

This chapter was the perfect end to a wonderful story, and I thank you again for sharing this with us!
NoWayWithWords chapter 7 . 8/31/2013
It was so brave of Edward to face Bella's parents again to set things right. How could they refuse when he asked if Christians believe in second chances? Smart boy!
NoWayWithWords chapter 6 . 8/31/2013
My heart is breaking for Edward (my bottom lip is all pouty). I'm glad he got the truth about Bella's parents from Bree. It seemed like they were just handing him rope him to hang himself.

Bella at Jasper's? My guess is that he wants her to talk to Alice for him... No way she's cheating on Edward.
NoWayWithWords chapter 5 . 8/31/2013
Oh my. That went much, MUCH worse than I had envisioned Edward's "meet the parents" going. Poor Edward, his nerves got the best of him and short circuited his brain-mouth filter.

Having him in tears at the end of the chapter nearly ripped my heart out...
NoWayWithWords chapter 4 . 8/31/2013
Oh my God, Edward's take on pregnancy was hysterical! (But there's definitely some truth to his description!)

So now he's admitted to Bella that "they're just parents," I wonder how long it will be until he gives in and meets them, and how that will turn out for him.

Only one way to find out - read on! And here I go, since I get to sleep in tomorrow morning I can stay up late reading tonight!
NoWayWithWords chapter 3 . 8/31/2013
My dad is Asian, and he does the nervous man-giggle all the time- my daughter's friends all think her grandfather is "adorable." I catch myself doing it sometimes as well, only it isn't even remotely adorable when I do it. Daughter says it's "annoying." :(

I love how Bella just turned Edward inside out, he's got it bad!

Poor Alice, I couldn't imagine being 16 and pregnant (although it makes a great TV show title), and made a hundred times worse by an absentee boyfriend. My oldest son's best friend just became a dad a couple months before he turned 20, and it freaked me out to think that it could have just as easily happened to my own son. I'd love and spoil that baby, though!

I'm really enjoying this story- I just hope that Edward realizes how much it means to Bella for him to meet her parents, but like the song and the story title, it'll still be (however many) days till he says he's sorry...
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