Reviews for Obsessed
Guest chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Worse than twilight. I struggle to understand why people would romanticise such incredibly disturbing behaviour.
gginsc chapter 1 . 8/26/2019
So Ron and the Weasleys don't care that this creature murdered Ginny? Harry lost years of his life to this pervert and he doesn't care? Was that part of the spell?
Fola607 chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
It was beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
Hi. :) Welp, I'm not gonna lie I really liked this story. But to me, it felt a little unpolished. Like the fact that Riddle cast that spell when Harry was 12 years old and 7 years later it would make him 19, not 17. And a 19 year old Harry would still have the mindset of 12 year old Harry, that makes it too near to pedophilia for me. Also Hermione would be 19 too. And 2 children at that age for a woman like Hermione... I'm sure you get what I'm talking about. Yeah, these mistakes cut me off from the story, but you really have a lot of potential. I'm aware that this was written in 2013 and you really improved your writing style. :D I'm a fan of the "By The Grace Of" series, really enjoyed that. 3 I'm just saying that a half fic like this shouldn't stay in this form on the archives of a writer like you. Hope I didn't offend you, with my best wishes dear. Good bye. :) 3 3
halfblood hufflepuff chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
Despite the happy ending, Tom is still creepy LOLOL he kidnaps Harry and forces him into a coma for seven years! And even afterwards he wouldn't let him go XD
Poor Ginny aw but at least now everyone is better off
Lucinda Silver chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
I adore this one shot! It was very cute somewhat and adorable! But I was wondering about the fate of Dumbledore... perhaps it best he wasn't involved? I don't know, ahh!

Great job, author!
claire1663 chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
thank you for your story.
all the best
FalconLux chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Slightly twisted, but intriguing. The diary was clearly the superior Voldemort.
LunarisDraconis chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
who the bloody hell puts someone to sleep for 7 years
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
Nuooooo Sirius is still in Azkaban! !
Tobalerone chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
How the Fuck is Harry ok with this?! Like who gives a Fuck what Tom did as Minister or whatever, HE STOLE 7 FUCKING YEARS OF HARRY'S LIFE! Then he just expected Shit to be fine and dandy when he literally took away Harry's will for like 7 years! You should have really stressed the angst of having his life stolen, and then showed a long span of time where Harry like hates Tom for what he did, regardless of how good a leader he is (speaking of, how were the Weasley's ok with Ginny dying?). Like sure, they can get together in the end, but its going to be a long, tedious road and they're relationship will doubtlessly be fucked up. I do like the idea of possessive/obsessive Tom, and sure it's even fine and believable that Tom would put Harry to sleep (though it still pisses me off) but he should NOT have gotten off the hook that easily
ripper34 chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Good story
yr1104 chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
Awwww! So cute ! I like it a lot! This was really sweet and creepy and just included a lot of powerful emotions without being overbearing.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
i liked it
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