Reviews for Oblivion
Osravix chapter 25 . 8/24/2017
I wonder if Kilo-5 can be brung into this...i dunno but i guess they could be used as some filler
Osravix chapter 26 . 8/24/2017
lynda.key1 chapter 26 . 6/20/2017
So I was close. And I'm glad Sasha stayed with her. Let's hope Lyra can warm up enough to tolerate her. But I can't remember why Constantine iso important.
lynda.key1 chapter 25 . 6/16/2017
Wow...Sam and Shin duking it out! Would have been interesting to actually see. Proud of Sam for sticking it out though. Between Shin and Lyra she's a mess. When John breaks his news to her something tells me she won't have a chance to change his mind. I just hope he doesn't leave without telling her.
lynda.key1 chapter 24 . 6/11/2017
Why don't you just type it without the dot? Saves keystrokes and I'm pretty unique anyway.

Decisions decisions... I'd like to know where Sasha stands in regards to the Insurrectionists and rebels. Sam is her sister and while their relationship might not be perfect it's still a close bond. So here's what I think John will do. If Sasha stands behind Sam and the others John will stay. If not? Hard as it is I think he will split off with the Spartans. I can't see Sam going back to Hiro after John. Then there's Lyra... Sam might not have a place with her Insurrectionists anymore. She's a pretty hot commodity (and this has nothing to do with either of her boy toy's opinions ).
lynda.key1 chapter 23 . 6/4/2017
You do have a wicked talent for mad villains . Shin is interesting, to say the least. When he turns on Sam and company it could be a blood bath. Now Elewa... she's just as ready for a fight as Kelly. I'm surprised Sam is upset John contacted Lyra. It was a logical choice on his part. But then most adult children don't appreciate a parent getting a heads up their child is in major trouble. Until the next time
lynda.key1 chapter 22 . 6/3/2017
Welcome back! Had me worried there but too much family drama to check in. Glad you're ok and still at it!

Caught back up on the Zeniths. They remind me of Wednesday Addams at Halloween..."I'm a homocidal maniac. They look like everyone else." The civilian population is getting a wake-up call!

Why in the world did you throw Sam with Kelly? Tempting fate? Those two will be at it soon enough thank you.

And then you went after Boone. He is my favorite of the crew. Geaky to the Maxx! Ah if he was real and I was younger. ;-) At least he made it to the ship still breathing and grumping. Which brings me to Elewa. I searched all the chapters catching up on the Zeniths so I don't think I missed her. Fresh blood? Blast from Sam's past? Please don't make us wait as long to find out. You can be so cruel. :'(
lynda.key1 chapter 21 . 2/24/2017
Back from my trip to find an update waiting! Best homecoming surprise ever! [Although nothing tops meeting my newist grandchild...] I'm glad John hauled her back down to earth. Sam has got to learn teamwork or none of this will work. For the life of me I can't remember you ever mentioning the Zeniths before. Hope your next update is soon but hey, I know how life can be.
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 21 . 2/15/2017
That sounds fucking awesome.
lynda.key1 chapter 20 . 5/29/2016
Ah yes things are heating up and shifting around. So much for the theory that Osman was left out of the loop. At least the elephant has been acknowledged - they are retiring the Spartan 2s...permanently. Now where did that girl go...
Guest chapter 19 . 5/12/2016
I do believe your master plan had something to do with excitement, Spartans, mayhem, twists and turns, unexpected romances, and some sneakiness. Oh, and I can't forget your delightfully sadistic cliff hangers. ;P

Definitely another great chapter, and full of excitement that again, leaves the questions of what next. What else is going to pop up to yell surprise to the group.
lynda.key1 chapter 19 . 5/7/2016
I'm getting very excited for the next round! Kelly might not play nice but Sam can handle it. At least she better. Hiro will probably always be there for Sam. He's got it bad for her.
Guest 22 chapter 19 . 5/5/2016
Keep up the good work!
lynda.key1 chapter 18 . 4/27/2016
Oh my goodness... Sam didn't waste any time did she? That was very well done.

Yes Sam will be surrounded by some not so happy people soon. Since they are in Hiro's ship does that mean the syndicate is helping them, or just Hiro?
lynda.key1 chapter 17 . 4/27/2016
Well that answered some questions, but left so many more. Ha! Poor Sam. He was only looking for the bug. An understandable misunderstanding. I'm voting Rook was taking orders from ONI but that's probably too general and I want to get on to the next chapter. ;D
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