Reviews for Mathmouth
Sam chapter 8 . 8/13/2018
Straight up kills me that this fic is probably dead. I've read it approximately 46 thousand times in the past 5 years. I would even sing Evanescence's 'Bring Me To Life' to revive it and I have the vocal prowess of a street cat. Such a perfect fic
twewyAA chapter 8 . 12/31/2014
Omggg this is so good! :D please keep writing! I need more interaction with Sho hahaha
Guest chapter 7 . 3/11/2014
I only read this because you made the ShOC pun in the description and I was not disappointed! I really like this and I don't know how to properly express how much I like it or why. You got me to like your original characters and not just skip to the bits where the characters I like pop up. Thank you for writing this, it's been a pretty good read and I'll wait patiently for updates.
Eivexst chapter 7 . 3/6/2014
Oh shit... (only reactions he could come up with)
N0VA chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
What makes a fanfiction good? The Characters? The Writing-Style? The Plot? Of course, everything of this belongs to a good story, but for me the most important point is to write well conceived and with heart. And this fanfiction contains these points. I can see, that the Ocs have a certain depth and certain character traits. Oh, and hey, They have actually a background story! I read many fanfictions and a huge issue is always, that the characters aren't very developed. They have a personality, but there's always this red Line, where they transform into mary-sues and it goes like this: One: Boy meets girl. Two: It's already true love. Three: Boom! She's pregnant. Everything goes so fast and you can't really relate to the characters. So, in this fanfiction everything goes slow and with progress. The author doesn't rush things and that's a big plus for me. Maybe there are some scenes, which make someone a bit pouting, but seriously? I think such scenes exist in every story and one of the hardest thing in writing fanfictions is to catch the personality of the canon characters. The author doesn't make a bad job here too, also we didn't see a lot from these characters yet, so let's stay tuned about that. After all I really enjoyed reading this fanfiction and it's nice, that the author involved the opinions of the readers. The characters are different and no clones, here and there their story is pretty dark and dramatic, but then there are funny and bright moments, too. One thing Twewy taught us is, that there aren' t always bright sides in life, but you have to go on and never give up. This aspect reflects in this fanfiction and makes it so interesting for me. The writing-style is nice and comfortable to read. So, I don't have much to say except, that I am already excited about the rest of the Story. It's always easy to write a negative review, but a postive one isn't just harder to write, no, it takes more time,too! So, what's left to say, ... If someone does't agree with my point of view and doesn't like the story, it's okay. Everyone has an own opinion after all, that's a good thing. But if you want to write a "good" and helpful negative critique, tell the author exactly what you dislike in his story, so he can think about it or learn something from it in future. My last words are directly for the author: Good job, don't give up and stay motivated. PS: Sorry, if my english sucks, but I hope everyone can understand the message in this review. 3
Anon chapter 6 . 2/8/2014
All of these characters are written like annoying prepubescent belieber fans. The characters who are not yours aren't written well either. They are OOC and there is no chemistry between any character at all. The style it is written is also terrible like a high school love sick teen girl wrote this. Your tenses are terrible and are never constant. Even the names of your characters are not well thought about. Nothing in this story points to good writing. It bored and annoyed me to death. Whoever said this was good obviously has no taste in fanfiction.
IWillNeverKnow chapter 6 . 9/23/2013
If you don't make them kiss or hug awkwardly I'm going to cry ;_;
I love your writing so much, I love your story, I love everything. I do think you should make it a bit more obvious you're going to the next scene, with a line break or something, other than that, I love everything.
You give me so many feels.
hdjsus NJ shsyd NJ d u d
Sam chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
I'm really digging your writing style. Like a lot. There's something about it...I just can't put my finger on it. Oh Well. The vivid descriptions that the narrator uses, are amazing, and perfectly capture exactly what the character is feeling. The Sugarpuff bit was hilarious. And Akane's entry fee? I love it. Genius. brilliant. Perfect. Off to the next chapter!
Eivexst chapter 5 . 7/2/2013
*laughs* "That an inside joke?" That certainly sounds like something Sho would say alright, I think you haven't lost your touch with this even though it's been so long since you updated the story plasterbrain, but still you are keepinjg it up pretty well in my opinion and getting to learn just how the character died and also how her life was like is a nice bonus if you ask me, just keep crunching those numbers and keep going.
(couldn't resist saying "Crunching those numbers")
Eivexst chapter 4 . 4/18/2013
Nice Job, Sho was one of my more liked characters in the game, but I think I like the whole situation the others are going through a bit more, and the whole conflict with the emotions is a nice touch.
deathchild221 chapter 2 . 2/10/2013
Can't Wait for the next chapter
Tear chapter 2 . 1/20/2013
I love this story,and you writing style is really cool. You kept Sho in character pretty well, and your oc's are really awesome. Usually I hate OC's (depending) but yours are good, and they seem like characters you could add to the actual game and they wouldn't be too out of place. It didn't even occur to me you didn't say the characters name until Sanae said she "Looks like an E." I don't even know if you did say her name, I got pretty distracted by everything else... But I like that sort of mystery to her. You figure out more about her as things go on, instead of telling us all at once. I like how this is playing out, a lot. I can't wait for you to update this, I really enjoyed it. If I wasn't too lazy to log in I would favorite it.