Reviews for Life's Inspiration
castlencisluv chapter 24 . 1/12/2016
Please tell me you are coming back to finish the story...I need more.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/13/2015
Erm... Not quite getting how this is a year earlier? Surely he still be writing the last Derrick storm book and the copy cat killing would be months away. Not weeks later? Just seems to be a different take on their first meeting... Not that that's a bad thing, just doesn't match the summery is all.
Rae chapter 24 . 10/17/2015
update please!
Guest chapter 24 . 8/1/2014
Very good story. I hope you will continue it one day soon. Great writing.
Bormo chapter 24 . 6/1/2014
so sad that there's been no more updates.

could be great, if it was finished. maybe even awesome. Would love to see it completed.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/26/2014
Love it! By any chance u will continue the story. Please do not leave it hanging like this.
poeticfreedom89 chapter 24 . 2/1/2014
This story is wonderful! I wish you had finished it!
BigKahuna chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
really hoping you continue this a very nice story
InkyCoffee chapter 24 . 12/3/2013
Hey hon! So I get that your work life is SUPER BUSY right now and all that, but I finally had a chance to read your fic and it is AMAZING and I NEED MOAR! Seriously, this is GOOD! I'm too lazy to review chapter by chapter, but you're really good at this! Your words make my toes curl ;-)
fanfictioncaskett4 chapter 24 . 10/3/2013
Beckett's celebration with the boys, Lanie, the capital and other cops was really priceless haha

There's sometimes that Castle doesn't know how to act normal haha

And when Espo got him smelling Beckett... Hahahaha He used as an excuse that he was hitting on her xD

I loved the present Castle gave her! It was so beautiful!

I really want a boy like Castle xD

The end made me a little sad because Castle didn't go up with her, but I'm sure he will make it up somehow to her

And beside Kate knows that Alexis is first hH
fanfictioncaskett4 chapter 23 . 10/3/2013
This chapter was really really intense!

When Lanie started asking a lot of questions about what Castle was doing her and all that I loved that Kate answer "because he said I'm tall" hahaha

And I really got scared when Lanie said that Kate's birthday was the next day and Castle was there...

I really was expecting like a fight, but not that much, thanks god they calm down somehow and everything end well!

And I can't wait and see what's Castle idea about Beckett's birthday because I'm sure he will do something and it will be big xD
fanfictioncaskett4 chapter 22 . 10/3/2013
Castle's in the team!

I loved the reaction Beckett had about Castle basing a character on her haha
fanfictioncaskett4 chapter 21 . 10/1/2013
I love the kind of relationship they have! And their conversation on the phone i laughed so much! hahah

And when Castle knows that Kate is calling him for his help.. hahaha Priceless xD

I hope Kate tells Rick about her birthday or that he will find out about it, with help or without it :D
fangfaceAndrea chapter 24 . 9/21/2013
Such a sweet bday gift. Lovely chapter all around!
fanfictioncaskett4 chapter 20 . 9/18/2013
I love how Lanie talks with Beckett even though they are in front of the boys haha

I found amazing the name of the operation: 'operation sneak out' hahaha

And when Rick called Beckett so worried to know if she was on the pill, I thought the same as Kate " that kind conversation over the phone, really?" Haha
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