Reviews for For the Sake Of My Dream!
onepiecefannumber1 chapter 18 . 6/2/2019
Servillius chapter 5 . 12/26/2018
Adorable extra bit at the very end. v
belladu57 chapter 25 . 6/27/2018
Very good
Guest chapter 9 . 10/10/2017
Ah! I love it! Luffy's lack of shame is too funny, it's exactly what you would expect from her! And also the idea about the three siblings being Marines is really good
RainbowMaze chapter 25 . 4/20/2017
Amazing story you have here! I love the Smokey-kun parts! You should have had them kissed. Now that would be a spectacle!

This is the last chapter posted. *sob* Why?! Please . . . PLEASE UPDATE!
RainbowMaze chapter 14 . 4/19/2017
I really like how this is turning out! But Dragon's last name isn't known to the world so no one knows that Luffy is Dragon's kid yet. If they did then she wouldn't be able to be a marine and would already have a large bounty on her head. There were grammer errors in this chapter. Also, don't forget to slow down you writing pace. I really hope that you update again!
RainbowMaze chapter 11 . 4/19/2017
Your writing has certainly improved from the last couple of chapters! There are still minor errors such as the innorcect use of a word and capitalization errors, but your writing has greatly become better.

Please update again!
RainbowMaze chapter 10 . 4/19/2017
Lol. I have no idea why I find this chapter so funny. I think it has to do with Mihawk and Zoro's fight. Mihawk beat Zoro and kissed the girl Zoro likes. I love you Zoro, but Mihawk just owned you.

Looks like we're setting sail straight for Arlong Arc! Please continue this!
RainbowMaze chapter 7 . 4/19/2017
Please don't tell me you plan to kill off both Ace and Sabo?! That would just be a horrid nightmare.

Still lovin' the story. It's a shame that it seems that you won't be updating again. If you do happen to read this then please continue. And get a beta or someone who is good in English to go over your story chapters.
JOtakuAnime chapter 25 . 4/16/2017
Keep up your work!
JOtakuAnime chapter 10 . 4/16/2017
I didn't expect Mihawk to say that but I LOVE IT!
RainbowMaze chapter 4 . 4/10/2017
Your story idea is great. With Luffy, Ace, and Sabo in the marines, Sabo didn't get hit by the Celestial Dragons. Ace has a chance of living through Marineford as well. There are several other problems, though.

1)The story is progressing too fast. Slow your roll. Speed down the story and take your time.
2)There are capitalization errors.

I'll be frank, and avoid going around the current truth. Your writing in these past four chapters sucks. You have most of the basics down, but that's It. No detail to the scene, or what's going on. Your writing may have gotten better over the years. If so, take the time to go back and rewrite these chapters.

You haven't updated this story in, what, one, two years? That's a long time. Please continue this story, that has so much potential.
1andonlyjack chapter 25 . 2/26/2017
Great story so far.
Animeluvr4life26 chapter 25 . 1/17/2017
Awesome! Please update soon!
Guest chapter 25 . 10/30/2016
Oh smokey your so cute
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