Reviews for Sober
jane chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
thank you i love your story and they didnt have many about serena and chuck pairing. I never understand why blair go to dan and why chuck forgive her, for me it was the ultimate betray trahison. he can understand nate and even the prince but to go for nate... For me she will be untouchable after that she will fall from the pedestal he get her and he will see her for just a girl he use to believe he love. blair so insecure, always wanting to be the best and always falling, always wanting to be better and always so jealous about serena. Serena so careless, so wild, passionate and never afraid of consequence, serena who didnt care about perfect but who still was, so beautiful without trying, clever and having sucess without putting too much effort, who could seduce any man, who smile and make the world better, who choose so badly her man and always had her heart broken but seems to be in love with another man the week after where the man who initialy break up with never forget her ou fall out love with her completly, a woman more strong or more clever than people give her credit because of her beauty (one exemple she had the title of queen of her highschool effotless where blair fight so much for it. and she let it to blair because it didnt matter anymore for her), she never choose the right guy because she need someone powerfull, strong and selconfident, not insecure like all her precedent boyfriend who always try to change because they were afraid to lose her with her wild way like dan so insecure who try to change her never accept her the bad like the good because he was afraid of her, her potential, her wealth, her freemind. chuck s the perfect match for her, strong, ambitious, cold,rough, tough, but also handsome, charming, very clever and with a dark side only her can accept like he is the only one loving both part of serena the good and the bad. he is a predator, he is after all like his father very dangerous when threatened; he learn from the best and only protect those he love. they are both phoeniw who raise from their ashes and together they can be unstoppable, the perfect match. and somewhat they was always something between maybe an history nobody know, because no matter what he care about her, and they had chemistry but they never go for it, it has to say something, they seems too afraid to try because the will fall strongly for each other and they needed to live befor comit to another person. but i like your story chuck is not a puppy blair can manipulate he is clever than that she choose dan, she has to live with that. he learn from his mistake
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
it is very good and i see that happening because I always think they were something that make them friends but not that much, that make them the same but always so different, something strange because they never try anything where he seduce the most beautiful women but never try that much with her, the most beautiful girl he know. Like they know they were no turning back if they take this road. they accept their flaws and that make them perfect. she is the sun where he is the moon, both strangely too beautiful and fascinationg for living among other people. him, who can be so cold, calculator, cold blood, dangerous, ambitious, and make people wish they never live if he want at a tender age and who prove to be more tough with the year and her the enchantress who made man drooling over her and captivate every man since she had 12 YEARS, when she enter a room, people cant' help but look, she illuminate a room by her mere presence, she is always optimistic, happy, but she is also dangerous for every man who cross her way, she made them fall in love for life, they betray her , they cheat but in the end they never forget about her and she made her life with other man, she seems broken but in fact she was happy a few day after. both of them are phoenix who raise from the ashes. they are too wild for society, they don't try to fit, they don't care about other , they do what they want, don't pretend to be another person and in fact made the society fit them. dan , blair, nate they are so conventional, they try so much too be perfect, they want to change them. only serena is abble to love even the darkest side of chuck and accept him like he is, only him can accept her with her wildest way, her passion for life who match his. thanks it was good
AnnDee chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
I suggest getting a beta reader to help you out.
merdarkandtwisty chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
I really think you should continue this story make it into a multi chapter. I don't know why but there is something addicting about Chuck and Serena.