Reviews for Chuck Bass knows (and remembers) everything:
Kananox chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
I first found this on ao3 and i seriously love bg CB bc it means no drama is happening in their quiet and content lives and i can comfortably read the fic without worrying about them. Also i really love the NJBC dynamic it's so complex but but at its core it's nothing but pure friendship and it's too late in the decade for me to have /just/ watched GG but whatever
Shrk22 chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
This is actually the third time that I've read this story and I apologize for not commenting on it sooner! I adore everything about it! Your characterization is flawless - totally spot on, especially Chuck, whom you so obviously understand, something for which, as a Chuck fan, I am very appreciative. It is also a wonderful character analysis of Nate, something even the show glossed over. There are so many wonderful lines to love;
"Tell me, Nathaniel, have I ever judged you?"
Henry proclaiming himself "better than all of you" So Blair!
And my absolute favorite ...
"... but there's his ghost in Chuck's eyes..." I cry every time I read this section.
And, of course, I love Frank Sinatra, so there's that! Excellent story, done well! Thank you!
JuseaPeterson chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
I love Chuck and Nate's friendship too. I was always sad when they were out of sorts. I think you did a wonderful job at depicting their friendship. I loved the flashbacks and how Chuck took credit for Nate getting dirty and then how Nate offered Chuck to stay with them until Bart stopped being mad and that they'll always be friends. I love how Nate became a part of Chuck and Blair's family which is how I see it too. And I loved the Nate and Henry relationship. This whole thing was wonderfully done!
Mrs. James Harold Potter chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
oh my god. you are by FAR my favorite author in the gossip girl fandom. i love the way you write all of the characters, and i agree wholeheartedly with your vision of the GG future. Nate is TOTALLY the greatest uncle, Dan and Serena (in my opinon) were never right for each other, Chuck and Blair are the king and queen (respectively) of New York. It is all perfect. Your dialogue (past, present, and future) is totally in character, and I feel like I am watching hidden scenes from the show when I read your stories. I might go back and write better reviews for all your stories because I know how important reviews are for fanfiction writers.

I was totally content with the ending of gossip girl, and I really do understand why Dan and Serena ended up together. But I always felt there was something with Nate that was kind of special, that the writers never explored fully. Like Nate, I felt like Serena was always a little lost, and needed to take the time to really get to know herself, versus floating around from guy to guy (much like Nate did with infinity amount of girls lol). I think if the timing had been right, something perhaps would have come to fruition.

You are phenomenal. I've already added pretty much all your stories to my favorites. PLEASE write more.
Chips03 chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
This Is sw33t
Moozanna chapter 1 . 3/18/2013
1st - Awesome story.
2nd - Good writting.

3rd - THANK YOU.

I agreee. Chuck and Nate were the 2nd best relationshipp on GG, after Chuck and Blair. And overall one of the best 'Bromances' on television. Not only do i love the fact that you wrote a story about the relationship, i like the way you wrote it.

Nice job, keep it. Can't wait to read more of your work. :-)
LunaSeasMoonChild chapter 1 . 3/10/2013
I saw this on the chuck and nate tag on tumblr, and OMG, I'm crying, I'm so filled with feels, I'm overwhelmed with so much feels. TT_TT

Has all my beloved pairings: Chate, Chair, Serenate, Derena/Divorce.

I just love how you portrayed the Chuck/Nate friendship. So heart-wrenching. Ack, I love it! Let me drown in my Chate/Chairy feels for now.
Just wife chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
Not a soul can bust this team in two
We stick together like glue.
Can I just say how much I love your story? Wait, I've already said that. Well, I have no more words. Tutto in questa bella storia รจ perfetto. You can say lol you tried. Haha. Love you, wife. And I enjoy reading your stories so much. I really want more now. Haha.
CBfanhere chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
I loved this story, so nice to read of the Chuck and Nate friendship after the show has ended. And I loved the hints of Chair in it as well.