Reviews for Harry Potter: Junior Inquisitor
Gacsam chapter 25 . 7/23
Man I got baited by some reposter and this has been finished for ages. Cheers
Erica Thrush chapter 11 . 7/11
Emma Puckle. Emma Watson, Hermione's actress, and Puckle was the last name Rowling had originally destined for Hermione.
crafter43 chapter 1 . 7/5
Ok, I have read all of your HP stories and they are great, and I have loved em all, but I noticed that you have not been here in about four years is there any hope of you coming back to finish the incomplete tales.

Really enjoyed Another World , Junior Inquisitor , and A Wizard Christmas Carol.

Would love to see em complete.

Thank you for your time and perseverance, in writing these stories, and your wonderful imagination for dreaming up your plots, .

Hoping to see more stories, Happy Writing!
Dandeleon chapter 1 . 7/3
Solid grammar and format, Absolute garbage story-telling. Your MC is the consummate victim through out the story without any originality.

You ran back the mind-rap three times and in the process tore apart your own premise.

Seriously... it was like rebooting a franchise, not between movies but in the middle of one!

Are you bi-polar or do you have ADHD? This wasn't a story taking twists and turns; this was completely incoherent from chapter 26 onward.
Lunar Doctor chapter 37 . 7/2
As an irreligious Jew, I'll also throw in that Jews aren't supposed to eat pork or shellfish. Anyways, I enjoyed rereading this story and wish it was finished.
brrcold chapter 17 . 7/1
I would like to respond to EvaBrooks since I am a Jew I feel it is my responsibility to tell you that we actually also don’t eat pork.
isabelle.eaton227 chapter 25 . 6/30
Omg ok this is a great story but reading these last few chapters mad me SO mad ughhhh
akshutalankar chapter 8 . 6/29
But isn't love room locked?
EvaBrooks chapter 17 . 6/22
Kay, I love your story, and I'm really late, but I would just like to point out its Muslims who dont eat pork, not Jews. You might want to fix that in case it offends anyone, but its a simple mistake and i don't blame you in the least.
defenderofnight chapter 37 . 6/19
I just finished reading all that you have written in this story so far. I know that it has been over 4 years, and you might as well have abanded this story. As it goes to most of the ones that I read hear. I would really like to know what happens. How does this finish out, and you I saw that you said your might change the title of the story. looks like that did not happen either. I just hope that you will come back to this fanfic at some point and finish it out. I mean you have to have Harry take up his Heirship at least. I know in some fanfic they go the roundabout way of saying that when Harry enters into the "of Age contract" for the Tri-Wizard Tournament that he gets emancipated and can take up the Lord Potter title. Just an idea. I do hope that you continue this at some point. Although from your profile page it looks like you are no longer active on this site with stories.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/18
niloc66 chapter 37 . 6/14
Please finish this story
Specky Clarke chapter 22 . 6/12
I am now reading this really great story, but I realise that as it has not been updates since 2016 it will probably never be completed. This is a great shame, as there are fewer and fewer readable stories on, and being uploaded to this site. Sprinter, I wish you would at least complete this story and Harry from another world, you are an excellent writer.
Lowenkron chapter 27 . 6/5
This is obviously absurdly late and while no use to the actual plot of the story at this point I would like to vent my own frustrations. While clear with your warnings in the description, there are a few things that seem beyond obvious for me and clearly points to a lack of forethought or more likely, you took a route that I personally do not agree with. As soon as Dumbledore sent Snape to commit cold-blooded murder, Fawkes should have broken contact with him. I hate reading stories where Fawkes just acts complacent in clearly questionable or even outright evil plots and scenes. Dumbledore following in Grindelwald's footsteps is also a common trope and while I do not necessary disagree with its use, I loathe the common projection of Evil/Dumbledore and everyone is the magical world is complacent. There is no reasonable situation where in this mentality he would rule the world with everyone looking up at him in admiration. The complacence of Flitwick and, admittedly to a lesser extent, Mcgonagall makes no sense what-so-ever if the feelings you described in the previous chapters is to be quoted. Flitwick obviously feels shocked at the actions of the faculty and (appears) to resolve himself to the duty of correcting his mistakes. Looking at the wider picture, Dumbledore seems quite content with blatantly and completely ass-fucking a DECADE of students before Harry even gets to school. Even when Harry does get to school Dumbledore is still in power for 4 years in your timeline meaning a decade and a half of Hogwarts education has been completely and hopelessly ruined. Even when he was looking to recruit newly graduated students he allowed terrible misdeeds to occur in his castle. Really?! The imperious, used by minors, in a school of magic, during a war effort, in an attempt to cow or even seriously hurt fellow minors?! I'm sorry but fuck off. Dumbledore did not have the excuse at that time to even excuse Severus since he was not yet the potions teacher and the case LITERALLY FUCKING INVOLVED ONE THE THE 3 SPELLS THAT YOU WILL LAND YOURSELF IN JAIL FOR LIFE.

I would like to extend an apology in advance to you for my strongly worded review and in turn I invite you to send me back a reply if you can find the time. I would love to understand in your own words, what your mindset was or still is while writing these events in your story. If I misquoted please reference this review in your reply. If you choose not to reply to me that I will leave this here and never bother you again but until it becomes apparent to me why the hell a (assumed) 19-21 year old graduate from the Aurors academy (Tonks) would assault minors on the word of a senile old man than I will be unable to continue reading this FanFiction. Thank you for your effort and works in writing in the Harry Potter universe and I extend an invitation for you to continue writing and editing this story for many months ahead! Once again please PM me any answers you can give me about the questions mentioned, Thank you.
Kcmo1995 chapter 18 . 6/1
You know as much as I despise Umbridge as a character, you have done a remarkable job of not changing her personality but toning it down enough that she isn’t an absolutely evil bitch like in canon. It really adds to the story in my opinion and I can’t wait to see where you go with it
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