Reviews for It's All Greek
guest chapter 28 . 6/26
hana-chanxox chapter 28 . 5/18
I remember reading your story years and years ago for the first time, and here I am, re-reading it for the umpteenth time. Please update! Your style of writing is so painfully beautiful and realistic - it tugs at my heart strings in the right places and moments. It's so interesting because I feel like I've grown with your story - when they were in high school, I was in high school. Now they are in college, so am I (in fact I'll be graduating this year). I know that writing is so difficult (I'm honestly so terrible - I haven't updated my stories in almost a decade LOL, so I know I'm in no place to nag) but please persist and continue on creating - you have something so unfathomably delicate and real and raw; I really feel the emotions of your characters and feel as if I'm experiencing the ups and downs of their lives with them :) (this is also so nostalgic and reading this makes me think of my first love)
Guest chapter 28 . 5/17
please update - i love this so much T-T 3
QUACK3RS chapter 10 . 12/29/2019
The first half of this chapter was so light hearted and silly! I liked the wooing advice and disastrous results. They have so much fun together!

The second half of this chapter gave me feels, especially the part when they’re huddled in the washroom. Him hugging her, pulling her close seem so natural and tender. The concern he shows that she’s been left alone is so real. The way you reveal these bits and pieces flows to easily throughout your story. Love it
QUACK3RS chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
Loved the behind the scenes snippet, showing how much Atobe cares in ensuring that Nanao got tutoring help. I was curious if her set down last chapter would be witnessed and communicated back to Atobe and liked how it being a verbatim recitation directly from the boys themselves!

The ending was soooo good! I liked how this was finally out in the open and looked forward to seeing how it would pan out. Was glad you clarified in one the chapters that it would not be a triangle.
QUACK3RS chapter 8 . 12/29/2019
This chapter showed the gaps, the missing space when the other wasn’t around. It made my heart clench at certain points. I liked how you showed the reactions from both sides - both of them are so stubborn! Her set down at the end was everything. It showed how she genuinely cared and understood Keigo. So fierce!
QUACK3RS chapter 7 . 12/29/2019
I really liked this chapter. I enjoyed seeing more of Nanao’s backstory, what drives her, what makes her tick. This made her more real as an OC. I laughed at the bank note scene - it seems so Atobe.

The ending was explosive - loved it! First time we get to see a fight. I looked forward to see how they would reconcile. It’s interesting they have almost opposite issues. The issue itself is also quite relatable and makes them seem like the youth they are in trying to impress their parents.

Below is unrelated to this specific chapter and contains spoilers:

Since reading your story yesterday, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about their future. I hope that Nanao is able to grow her career and passions. I liked how she took the step in pursuing a year abroad. Her decision to prioritize the time they have left together must’ve been a difficult one to make. I sincerely hope she grows to become successful in her field and realize her dreams, becoming more than just a trophy wife.

I get that they’re going into this relationship with eyes wide open about the “deadline”, but it makes me wonder, can it not work out? I see the parallels you draw with the scholarship student but isn’t the situation different in that they’re both in the upper crust of society? The advice given by his aunt seemed to hint at an uphill battle, perhaps implying that they will be fighting to be together? I have these crazy ideas zooming around my head: maybe she’ll become so brilliant in her field that the Atobes hope to seek a connection, maybe they get engaged and married to other people and meet again after a time skip many years later, maybe something befalls a family member that pushes them to one decision or another? Your fic is just so well written and engaged my imagination. Definitely my favourite in this fandom.
QUACK3RS chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
I wasn’t sure where this would go after reading the ending, dun dun dun ... but it was exciting to introduce another dimension to the fake relationship, how Nanao may be developing feelings for someone else. I looked forward to seeing it unfold and everyone’s reactions
QUACK3RS chapter 5 . 12/29/2019
This ending was also great, how she surprised him with the Zeus comment. Loved it
QUACK3RS chapter 4 . 12/29/2019
The ending of this chapter was awesome. The beginning of something amazing. Nanao is so wholesome and you can see from early on their dynamic
QUACK3RS chapter 3 . 12/29/2019
Oshitari is hilarious with the romance plots
QUACK3RS chapter 2 . 12/29/2019
I could imagine this scene of Atobe announcing to the entire school his relationship status. Ha!
QUACK3RS chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Cute beginning. I like the tie in to the title
QUACK3RS chapter 28 . 12/29/2019
Hi there, wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading your fanfic. The premise sounded interesting but I was completely blown away at the depth of emotions I’ve felt reading this story.

I’ve been really impressed by how you’ve made Atobe’s manga/anime quirks into a character that is three dimensional, beneath the glitz and glam, he’s a person with his own set of insecurities. I’ve fallen deep into this world you’ve created with the high society pressures and spent all of last night thinking where this story may lead.

I like your OC and how you’ve fleshed her out and let her grow throughout the story, especially in the second arc. The tender moments you write of the two of them gives me the feels, that clenching experience right in the chest. It’s interesting how the crux of their relationship isn’t all romantic, but that they’re there for each other - they’re each other’s “person”. I like how you write from different people’s perspectives to shed more light on Nanao x Keigo.

I’m wondering if there will be a HEA. I read some previews on tumblr and it seems like they’ll be a bumpy ride ahead. Are we headed towards breakup, new characters in the form of fiancés and reconciliation? Or will it be that being together as a married couple will be an insurmountable challenge? I can’t wait to see what direction you take this story. Really happy you continued the story beyond their high school graduation because this is where the hardships will get more real!
thequandaryofbeingme chapter 1 . 9/1/2019
It's 3:30am in the morning somewhere in the world, and I woke up after a random, fading dream, feeling nostalgic, whimsical and just kinda sad.
So I thought of your story suddenly, and went to re-read certain chapters because I feel like the essence of this whole story resonates with something within me right now.
Thanks for the story, it was, and always will be, kinda nostalgic, whimsical and just kinda sad.
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