Reviews for We'll Pretend You Love Me
Flink88 chapter 3 . 8/20/2016
I was a bit concerned at the direction this took once we got to the zoo. I was much more interested in Spock's attitude towards Chapel in the beginning: " I was ignoring you. There was no TRY". What an arsehole. But, this ended up being really interesting. Good fic.
L'alchimiste de Castille chapter 3 . 7/1/2014
The roller coasters you put me on! So powerful, I loved every second of it. The captivity was so fleshed out, everything you write is honestly. It just never fails to surprise me when I read your words how much I fall into the story. I want to read everything you have ever written because you never seem to misstep on plots or characterization. Thank you so much for hours of entertainment.
Kittenmommy chapter 3 . 9/3/2013
I love this! :D
Elliesmeow chapter 3 . 6/11/2013
Wow. It was really interesting to see Spock and Christine as parents. (Spock as a daddy is the best.) Also how they bonded over the years without the Enterprise or her crew being the influence they usually are. We don't usually get to see these two like that in a believable way.

Thanks for posting.:)
Sunshine Spray chapter 3 . 5/30/2013
I usually hate kid fic but this was absolutely beautiful. You are a master at writing. What I like most about this is that the characters act as they ought to when placed in a compromising situation. There is no quick declaration of love and familial bliss but it is something they need to work toward. I think stories like those have the most satisfying endings.
Trinideanfan chapter 3 . 4/21/2013
What a great story! Really glad that I found this little gem. Short but oh so sweet. I hope you write more Spock/Christine, they have always been perfect in my opinion :)
Animaltalker chapter 3 . 4/20/2013
Bari Sax Player chapter 3 . 2/5/2013
That was just utterly brilliant and beautiful and wonderful and amazing and...elegant. I have always enjoyed your stories, but this one is a true gem. Thank you.
startrekgirl chapter 3 . 1/22/2013
weird but I loved it...dialog is very funny...laughed out loud several times...not many writers can do that as well as you can...look forward to more!
Saavikam69 chapter 3 . 1/19/2013
I greatly enjoyed this version of the story.
qenie chapter 3 . 1/17/2013
That was an altogether great story with a wonderful happy ending! I really like the way you wrote Amanda, and Sarek, tho we saw little of him. And T'Samra is absolutely adorable!
MizJoely chapter 3 . 1/17/2013
A very satisfying ending to a very satisfying story. Great job. Loved the intensity of the emotions during the meld. Don't we all wish we could show people how we felt from the inside? Well, sometimes. Thanks for posting.
MizJoely chapter 2 . 1/17/2013
Oh, Spock. Timing is everything. Work on your timing, buddy.

Yes, I'm loving this version of the story. I actually am guilty of liking "aliens made them do it" stories, no matter how silly the premise actually is if you think about it. Nothing silly in this story, just the usual complex,emotional rollercoaster ride I've come to expect from you. Great job.
qenie chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
This is amazing! I love it. Never cared cared for Chapel much, but the way you see her is great. I love the dialog early in the chapter!
'Scuse me - Gotta get on to chapter 2!
louiseb chapter 3 . 1/16/2013
Lost in admiration. There I was supposed to be working, and this damned story kept dragging me back to the screen again and again. Just had to see how they worked things out. A real 360 all encompassing tale with genuine affection for and deep understanding of our characters shining through every paragraph. Thank you.
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