Reviews for Matchbox
sahdah chapter 1 . 6/15/2017
Ahhhhhh! I feel so immersed in these thoughts. A huddled Maka scribbling furiously in her journal, the matchbox weighing down her shelf. Any chance you'd consider a candle version sitting on Soul's desk? I'm just burning with curiosity about his thought process.
Dacsh chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
I really liked the fourth paragraph on this. Honestly? I loved it overall. You wrote this so well, so descriptive, so engaging. How you ended it really tied it up too. Greatgreatgreatjob!
ilarual chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
This is magnificent, and the imagery and emotion you invoke is both concrete and surreal simultaneously, which is strange but very beautiful.
Twin-Lupus chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Ooh, I love the phrase "you're mostly made of sounds", that's excellent. And what an excellent last line! It's very sweet and perfectly represents their relationship. Great job!
I'mnotsorryforleaving chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Me: mawwwwwwwww...das sho cuuuuuuuuuuuute...
Soul: heh, you can't keep all my coolness in a matchbox!
Maka: dang hit him, it hurts the small amount of manly pride he has left.
Soul: I have plenty to be proud about.
Maka: um...didnt seem that way when you begged me to lick your—
Me: you guys are so damn embarrassing. I'm sorry!
Stein: I'm sure the lovely author will forgive you. 8)
chaoticlivi chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
I really like this, Ash, and I'm glad you decided to post it on so I could fave it! There's a very stream-of-consciousness style to it that I think matches real people's thoughts. Especially the racing thoughts of people who are especially contemplative and uncertain.

"Your piano playing sounds like you talking" has got to be my favorite line. New headcanon, in fact, that Maka hears his playing that way and anyone else who was willing to think outside the box a little would understand why she thought so.

Finally, "...all the things that made me your partner instead of your meister" was such a beautiful way to finish it up.

Ah I dunno, I simply love these little, mundane moments.
Reader chapter 1 . 1/15/2013