Reviews for By Royal Command
GraysonGirl chapter 37 . 11/30/2019
This was fantastic from start to finish. It really felt like an original story with just a few nice hints to the original characters. Honestly if you swap the names a bit Black Lace would snap this up in their historical stuff.
I loved Robin's horse obsession and how you see him open up and relax more around them, the moments where Slade and him bonded over riding were so touching and sweet.

God I nearly cried at the bit with finding his parents and the "my valet named me after a bird on my dead mother's necklace!" break down he has. Then later with the letter Slade finds it was just so perfect. "He was wanted."

I do hope Joey marries Eleanor. I was a little uncomfy when it first felt like Robin would properly fall for her and Slade was going to drag him away and it would be more like assault but you handled it beautifully with Robin realistically getting slowly closer to Slade and clearly only having horses and friendship in common with Eleanor.

I kind of want to see Robin on a farm 10 years later. Like he has embraced Blüdhaven and is renowed as a horse breeder and lives half on the farm and half in the castle.

A thought I had- his horse obsession is sort of like the motorbike obsession you give him in other fics!
Carottal chapter 37 . 8/14/2019
I've just finished this story and here are some of my thoughts about it.

First, it was quite addictive to read. I mean, it's been a long time since I've had less than 3 hours sleep just because I couldn't put down a fanfiction. And I even had troubles at work not getting my phone out to read a couple of chapters. I loved the tension of the castle attack getting closer and Slade's desperate attempt to save Robin. I definitely saw what the solution would be coming but that made the wait even better because how would Robin react? I enjoyed reading their relationship. There was the banter you are so great at writing, as well as the many inuendoes (because it is not a wynja story of there are no inuendoes), there was the danger, there was the struggle for power, and there was this feeling that as unbalanced as it was, what with being a slave or trying to survive, there was a sense of equality because one would give as much as the other gives. And Robin's love for horses made for a very interesting trait. And even though I did have some troubles with Riley and River (tended to mistake one for another), with the amount of characters you introduced, I managed to remember them extremely fast and not wonder who was who as I read. Although Robin's friends could have been a tiny bit more fleshed out. Speaking of fleshing out, I liked the bits of cultural building you did. It was always interesting to see how simple characteristics would translate in every aspects of a society to make two very different cultures. I think it's also something that kept me reading way past my sleeping hours!

Second, I wonder how you came upon so many quotes with horses in them. I must say that reaching chapter 20 I was extremely impressed! I love story and chapter titles (is it strange?). When picked well, they can really give sense to the story, put the emphasis on some aspect of it, influence how we understand the chapter, add a new layer of meaning to it. So I loved how your chapter titles worked.

Third and lastly, it doesn't surprise me that you knew what the last words of your fic would be so early in the writing process. In fact, what surprised me was to read you didnt know them as you started the story. They were so in tune! When I read them, I only wanted to do one thing : look at the first sentence of the first chapter and see how well it answered it. I haven't done it because of your an but I think I'll have a look anyway once I finish this review.

So yeah, I actually wouldn't mind reading it yet again if I wasn't afraid of having a very short night yet again. And I feel a bit stupid for not reading this story sooner because I saw every chapter come out in my alerts but I don't know, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, that it wouldn't have plot... when I think I've just read it all in less than 48hours! Sometimes you can be very wrong... Better late than sorry right?

So thank you very much for the story !
Guest chapter 37 . 2/1/2019
Omg I love this story although it’s sad that it came to an end
Nea Mae Roper chapter 14 . 1/11/2019
I would love if you continued this story its like one of the stories I read over and over haha
TropicalTopeka chapter 37 . 4/14/2018
So I used to be IsThisYourCard but I changed my name. It's been a bit since I've read your stuff, but I want to say I immensely commend your craft in this story. I loved reading it and I loved the characterizations of both Slade and Robin.

The final words were quite fitting and I loved how Robin had his deep love for horses. You incorporated that very well into this story.

I hope you're doing well and that you're still writing, even if it's not Sladin. You've got a great sense of story. I hope you post some sort of update soon, if only to tell us that you published your book and it's a best seller ;)
Hopeless-Doll chapter 37 . 11/1/2017
I don’t usually read AUs but having read a few of your other works, I had to try this one and I am so glad I did. I couldn’t seem to put it down as I was captivated by the plot and just wanted to keep reading. Everything about this is perfect and I’m also happy you didn’t include the other titans. Don’t get me wrong, I like them but I also liked that they weren’t in this fic which I know probably doesn’t make sense...

I’m wondering what I’m gonna do with my life now this is over lol. I’m gonna start on your oneshots (I’m crying cause there are so many and they’re written by you which makes me soo happy :D). Thank you so much for all the fics you’ve written. I honestly can’t thank you enough cause they’re awesome xD

Hope you have a lovely day x :)
K3nZ13 chapter 2 . 1/30/2017
Bruce wtf man?! Okay, just you need to bond with Dickie later.
K3nZ13 chapter 1 . 1/30/2017
Rob, show your true colors! Let EM SHINE!
akigaeul chapter 37 . 3/17/2016
Okay, sure this was a few years ago but this AU is SO GOOD. (There's definitely mistakes throughout the chapters, but I've been reading your stuff since basically the beginning so I know you've improved! The only reason I'm just reviewing now is because I just re-read this story (I've been re-reading a lot of your stuff lately, actually) and I just had to say that I want a sequel to this so badly!

True it's been a few years, but I love the specific characterization and the world-building you've done with this. Each of your stories have a unique version of Robin and Slade but this story has always felt extra different. Maybe it's because they have very different histories, but I always love the fact that you can tell these characters are definitely still Robin and Slade, no matter what kind of weird universe they find themselves in.

Much love, and yes I felt kind of weird reviewing an old story that I've read before xD
Petra chapter 37 . 8/27/2015
I have to left comment here even when this story is almost 2 years old...
I read a lot of different FF stories and some of them was really good...but I have to say, I love this probably the most :-) Even when I'm not a fan of Teen Titans, I know Robin just from Batman movies and Slade just from TV show Arrow. So your stories simply created them for me and I fall in love with them. I read all your Sladin stories, I love your drabbles, 2060 and 2061 Universe, Precious Gift...even The Peace Contract with its "evility" :-)...but The Royal Command has this special "something", which every good story needs to be magnificent. I don' know, how to name it, English is not my native...but it is the story full of emotions, danger, catch and squeeze your heart and doesn't release it even after the end. It proves you are not just another FF writer, but really talented, amazing women and I would say you could compete with E. Who knows, maybe you should try it, the potential is here…..and your original story with characters based on Robin and Slade (same as Christian and Ana are based on Edward and Bella) could trump even Fifty Shades…..
Missdellusion chapter 37 . 8/26/2015
What you you done?
You've given me all these feels...
Take them! They belong to you and your AU now.

Let me just say that oh gods... That was quite a read I'll admit it wasn't a long read like say The Peace Contract but nevertheless it was a really good read.
As you mentioned I knew Robin and Slade would frick frack like no tomorrow eventually, it was very well executed though. I loved this clashing of cultures it's bloody fantastic! Really, I couldn't stop reading this FF for two days straight... My sibs were a tad worried over the mumbled Curses and all that (mostly towards the traitors to the crown And that one time with Slade and the dagger... And of course over Bruce's insensitive nature... And the hasty disposal of The Graysons' bodies) but fear not once they realized it was me reading a fanfic they totally calmed down and accepted my random bursts of elation and... Well the feels especially those feely feels of emotion..

Anyways fantastic job if there isn't a sequel maybe perphaps... A Drabble?
Thanks for the read!
sladerobin fan chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
I love this story. It has a unique and original plotline and twist to it.
Hweianime chapter 37 . 4/27/2015
God I LOVE all your works! I stumbled onto your delightful drabbles a week ago and I've read non stop almost all your fics (with the exception of the Peace Contract because well.. *cough* from what I heard my fluffiness would die *shrugs*) anyway where was I?
Right. Oh my god you have really roped me into the Sladin shipping and I both hate and love you for it. I have laughed and fangirled and get emotional (I did NOT cry. I didn't. no. shut up.) but anyway I just want to say I'm truly impressed at how amazing your stories are and that the Sladin shippers has now officially increased by one
Also may I take the idea for this fic to write one of my own? I won't steal it word for word I swear!
Guest chapter 37 . 4/25/2015
Nooooo ! It can't be over! It can't!
Cheshieru chapter 18 . 10/19/2014
Or you could make Robin suicide or something... No? Nevermind then.
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