Reviews for The Thrill is in the Chase
creativia chapter 2 . 10/12/2016
Will there be more? (I hope)
EclipseKuran chapter 2 . 3/1/2014
Please update soon it's been over a year.
ScarletBloomSword chapter 2 . 6/19/2013
Interesting.. want to read more
Lady of the Shards chapter 2 . 3/17/2013
Creative! I hope you continue this!
p. ageha chapter 2 . 3/1/2013
Well, I wonder how long it'll take before Mikado figures out what Izaya is...oh, please update soon! I'll review every chapter! :-)
p. ageha chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
Uh-oh, Izaya is on the prowl! And after a 16 year old boy...
NarupokeeAurorafan chapter 2 . 2/23/2013
That is the right questions eh ;) ? Please update soon bye I love stalker izaya ;D !
Ruby Smith chapter 2 . 1/20/2013
Gah! I love this! Izaya makes one goddamn sexy vampire!

rosethorn200 chapter 2 . 1/19/2013
Silly fan fiction won't let me type in hearts so *heart* (take that online site). In other news this is really interesting and I should be asleep cause its after 1 in the morning but I still love this fic and I hope you keep up the wonderful story line that makes me want more. :) *heart* (haha FF)
BloodyWolf83 chapter 2 . 1/19/2013
That was a awesome story I loved it please continue
rosethorn200 chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
3 I love vampire fics to begin with and the fact there is one with my favorite parings is an awesome bonus! I hope you don't give up on this fic and update often. Also, I like your writing style.
Kuro chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
I think the start is promising, why'd you change Mikado's birthday though? o-o