Reviews for King Glitch
thunderbird shadow chapter 5 . 5/12/2019
Very good
TheRealMerlin chapter 5 . 12/7/2013
Whoa that was awesome! Yay! But I was kinda disappointed that it stopped here. I'll just go read the sequel! :D
ChibiRoni13 chapter 5 . 3/4/2013
Thank god. King Candy was my favorite character in the movie (even though him as a cy-bug gives me nightmares) and I wanted something better for him than being burned up by boiling hot Diet Cola. The idea of him actually being a part of the game was genius (I had thought about him regenerating before- it was still "his game" according to the coding). And Venellope's grandad no less. Bravo!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/31/2013
Interesting, and along the lines I'd been thinking about.

Comments:1: Nothing is truly glitch proof..only glitch resistant. I'd speculate that the 'glitch proof' substance is dark unsweetened chocolate, which is is chock-full of cancer fighting antioxidants in real life. It would be highly glitch resistant in the Arcade environment.

2: How can it be that no one has yet realized that Felix has the ultimate anti-Cy-bug weapon? The only original Cy-bug that entered Sugar Rush was destroyed. All second generation Cy-bugs are made up of Sugar Rush code that has been re-purposed, and thus qualifies as BROKEN. Fix-It Felix's hammer is the same as an extremely powerful System Restore program. If he hits a second generation Cy-bug, its code will immediately revert to its original state; the Cy-bug will vanish in a cloud of released code which then returns to where it was originally programed to be. If King Candy were an original programed character, a whack with the hammer would restore him to his original condition, destroying not only the Cy-bug contaminate, but also any vestiges of Turbo: the original Turbo died when he was eaten by the Cy-bug, thus any 'copy' of Turbo's code is also broken Sugar Rush code. Turbo can not be restored because he died outside of his own game, and his original game was unplugged: there is no reference for the 'Hammer' to go back to that would allow restoration.

3: Additionally, Felix's hammer not only repairs, but also ENHANCES what it hits. It would not improve on King Candy's appearance, any more then it improved Felix's when he hit himself in the face..but it would improve King Candy's vision.

All that remains is to figure out a suitably dramatic story line.
Alya Spruce chapter 5 . 1/27/2013
This is to good for words. WAY to good for words. :)
Henru chapter 5 . 1/27/2013
Great story, you should make another, like a couple of oneshots!
Dixie Darlin chapter 5 . 1/27/2013
oh yay, they figured out how to keep him from glitching! Is there gonna be a sequel to this?
Alya Spruce chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
Oooooo! This gonna be good!
CookiesxMilkEXCITEMe chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
(I'm going off of when I first reacted when I first read it.)
I like it so far, I'd definitely keep reading it, I wonder how protective the three would get over her, I can't wait to see how Calhoun would sort of act like a mother with a Vanellope and Felix like a father, the same with Ralph, I just admire their relationship with the small child. :D
Well I'll stop ranting and continue.
CookiesxMilkEXCITEMe chapter 2 . 1/19/2013
I just like how it's a typical family with these four.
Ralph, Calhoun, and Felix are the grown ups and Vanellope is the child that needs protecting, and they're all the mothers trying to protect their young.
Ha! No hard feeling between Felix and Sour Bill.
I love Calhoun so far, (So far really being a bit so far as I'm reviewing backwards from the previous chapter updated, 4)
I know this is supposed to be a Vanellope and King Candy fic but could like on the side add a tad bit of Felix x Calhoun?
Like in the middle of background scenes or something, I just... You don't have to do it but... I would appreciate it. :)
But if you decide to keep it at the pace you're going I'd be content.
CookiesxMilkEXCITEMe chapter 3 . 1/19/2013
I like how you portrayed the kids as... You know... Kids.
Not many people actually pull that off and I commend you for that. :D
I get the pun in her name. Bonbon.
Then a classical female ending, priceless really.
CookiesxMilkEXCITEMe chapter 4 . 1/19/2013
Oooo please update.
I'm loving it.
It's so sweet how King Candy didn't want Vanellope to be near him with this thing inside of him.
Aww please, you gotta continue.
Dixie Darlin chapter 4 . 1/19/2013
oh man this is getting GOOD. i hope they can fix the king.
Dixie Darlin chapter 3 . 1/15/2013
This is pretty interesting, having the actual King Candy character come back. Pretty sure he's not going to be welcomed with open arms.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/14/2013
Keep writing please! And lol, Ralph and tafyttas mom "making out," thats gotta be the most awkward pairing ever! XD wait. Scratch that, I can think of worse!:/
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