Reviews for The Once and Future King
Mystic Lover of the fairytale chapter 5 . 10/31/2017
I must say this story is very unique from the new and nicer Edmund,to the inclusion of Eustace, even the journey to get to Aslan is different with going through Archenland. I read your trilogy an then found this version
Lady Loyal of Narnia chapter 14 . 9/29/2017
Hi! I read The Wardrobe, The Witch, and The Lion, and only stumbled upon this version a few days ago. I love it, so far.
In your author’s note in this chapter (14, I think?) you asked how we readers thought the Narnian government worked. I’ve written my own Narnian story, and the way I have it there, all four of the Pevensies have their own corner of Narnia, each the direction they were crowned. Lucy to the East, Edmund to the West, etc. In addition, each ruler has their own specialty that they’re in charge of. Edmund has the spies and the strategists, Peter has the army and the defense of Narnia, etc. Peter, as High King, makes the final decisions, but he listens to his siblings and his advisors. Does that make sense? Feel free to PM me if I confused you, or you’d like to know more. I’m happy to share my version of Narnia with you. :D
Have a blessed day!
Shirerose chapter 7 . 5/26/2015
So you pulled an Achilles shield on Peter...the shepherd though...I wonder.

From the description in here and in the Wardrobe is Peter's sword Damascus steel? (I think that is what it is called) I went to an exibit at the national art gallery a while back and one of the displays had a scimitar from the battle of Lepanto I think. It was utterly beautiful (except that I like long swords better) The steel batch that was used for a certain number of weapons had a rare ore or imperfection mixed in it when forged giving a wavy, silky pattern that actually strengthened the sword if I remember rightly. They never found out what it was and no one has ever been able to recreate the tecnique.

I give up, you have read the Princess and the Goblins and the Five Children and It...

What about the Golden Key or the Wise Women by George MacDonald?
MythologicalMango chapter 31 . 3/4/2015
This has been wonderful from start to finish. You wonderfully combined the original Narnia story with epic and fantasy! It was just brilliant!
MythologicalMango chapter 7 . 2/19/2015
I haven't finished this yet, but absolutely loved the gifts portion of this chapter! Especially the treatment of Lucy, it always made more sense in my head this way

fanfic-addict21 chapter 18 . 6/12/2014
target him first, I'll leave the rest up to your digression." Martin added.
Discretion, I think you mean.
I've heard that the sheriff is rather found of you.
And fond, not found
Goeno chapter 31 . 5/17/2014
I love it!
narniagirl11 chapter 31 . 9/5/2013
*sobs* I-it's o-over? Nooooooooooooo! *dramatic pause* Okay, I'm good. :P
Truthfully though, I wasn't ready for the adventure to end and I feel that I am leaving dear friends behind. For me, endings of good stories are such a love/hate thing. Beautiful, beautiful ending to a beautiful story. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next novel! :D
The Imaginatrix chapter 31 . 9/4/2013

I will miss your wonderful writing. I really will. I hope for all our sakes that your love of storytelling does not fade. God knows mine hasn't and I've been doing fanfiction for thirteen years! :D

I wish you success in all you put your hand to, and hope you will not vanish altogether from this site, however much your schooling occupies your time. The Narnia archive will be a much duller place if you never post in it again. :D
narniagirl11 chapter 30 . 9/4/2013
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Battle awesomeness!
No, really, I'm not sure what to say. I can't put into words the patriotism I was feeling for Narnia in this chapter. Wish that Eustace could have done something more with the dragon though, but it still worked out. :) I like the part with Peter and the faun.
Violets and Lilies chapter 31 . 9/3/2013
Beautiful way to end a great story! Please don't be strangers with PM's every now and again. Good luck with wherever this life takes you. Ollie says hello.

Saoirse7 chapter 31 . 8/31/2013
*sigh* What a lovely ending for a lovely story. It is sad to see it end, but the end of one thing is the beginning of another. Best wishes on your novel, by the way! And I'm glad to hear that the red carpet viewing was a success. Bodes well for the worldwide release, right? :D
Saoirse7 chapter 30 . 8/31/2013
Oh, I had almost forgotten about Coppell! Figures that she was Treve's sister, though. Too cute! The battle was intense, as usual, but well-done. I thought it was interesting how at Aslan's roar, the Witch was no more. And I like how Peter is man enough to help the wounded Faun, even though the Faun does not repay his kindness; I also like how it was based on that poem. Finally, of course, I have to say that I love your production note. :D On to the next chapter!
MoonShadow396 chapter 7 . 8/25/2013
I just need to say that I love the fact that you switched the gifts. I never quite liked the original order.
Violets and Lilies chapter 30 . 8/25/2013
Wow! That was awesome! I did recognize the Gettysburg part, at least, and then there was another part that made me think of something else, but far be it from me to remember what-and it's just late afternoon too. What will I do with me?

So Coppell and Treve are bro and sis, eh? That was a nice ending.

I loved Lucy's golden tear and the moonlit wand!

Nice job, as usual!

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