Reviews for An Adequate Kiss
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
So cute. CUTE. CUTE. CUTE. 3 _
FlippingTheBird chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
This is so cute! I love YamaSai
TJ Dragonblade chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Aaaah, this is so lovely! Sai's blunt astuteness is beautiful here, and Yamato's reaction (trying so hard not to lash out or be offended because he knows Sai's not trying to offend) is spot-on. I'm a firm believer in Sai's ability to sort out emotions in other people even when he's clueless about his own (he's demonstrated this ability many times in canon) and I love seeing that in play here. The kiss is just adorable, especially with Sai's matter-of-fact delivery and Yamato's flailing and his certainty that he's doomed when he realizes he doesn't have the heart to disappoint Sai. :heart:

If you ever have the itch to write more of this pairing, I'd love to read it. :)

Also, FYI, I run a YamaSai community on Livejournal where I regularly post links to new (or new-found) YamaSai content on the web. I'll be including this story in my next update. :)