Reviews for Behind Enemy Lines
haylssunflowerx chapter 19 . 7/11
I love chapter nineteen with the burning passion of a million suns. And it's not because of the smut (well, yes, maybe partly, I definitely enjoyed that), but the conversation between Tori and her mother at the beginning of the chapter.

I really have no words- like... yes, Holly Vega is incredible. For Tori to bring up her past when she got bullied by Jade then to realize Jade did it because Tori came back for more because of that "pull" they've always had, is alfkdaslfjdfl I literally don't have words...

"You fell in love with the girl whose friendship you fought for all these years, and she fell in love with the girl who never gave up on her," this line had me screaming inside. and for it to come back later on in the chapter in bed...asdlfkjas it's just everything.

This may be my favorite Jori fic...ever.
haylssunflowerx chapter 24 . 6/30
Oh my god. I usually don't leave reviews here on but I couldn't not in this case. I loved the entire storyline so, so much, and I've literally been addicted to this story the second I read the first chapter. I know I'm like 7 and a half years too late, but that doesn't make a difference.

The amount of detail that is in this story that makes it so awesome but so awkward, just like these two dorks actually would be and that continues to amaze me.

At the moment, I'm a mess and a half of emotions, mostly because of how AMAZING this story was but also the sadness because it's over. But every story has got to end at some point, right?

I'm so, so glad that Beck came over during the party, because oh how much I hate unresolved conflicts, and I'm so happy that everything was nice and happy at the end (even Andre had a girlfriend).

This is getting really long but I would like to let you know (if you ever see this) that this is absolutely one of my favorite stories EVER, and I'm so happy that you're in the Jori Forever server LDKFJLSJFLDJ

okay bye,
ItsValex chapter 24 . 6/29
I don't know if you got comments or anything but, I ve been reading stories for years and I really loved yours. You really got me with the end and the title coming up and with the word victorious and 8 years later.
I seriously spend a very good time reading your story and it go me so emotional. The ending is beautiful almost made me cry. By the way, you created very well the building connection and love between the characters and that s not an easy fit.
Lamiyerda chapter 24 . 6/26
This story is sooo amazing. I'm sure I will keep on rereading it again and again and again.
babymorris chapter 24 . 6/10
It’s weird leaving a review from a 7 year old fic, and it’s unbelievable how you were able to write a 160k words over 4 months. You, my dear is an awesome monster writer.

Tbqh, I’d been pushing this story at first, having it lying around on my ‘to read stories,’ for about 2 years now and I’m crazy for delaying this for too long. And now that I had the luxury, I feel even more crazier because I let one of the best Jori fanfiction to sit in here unattended.

I love this so much. I will find time again to read this from the start. This universe is close to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
babymorris chapter 12 . 6/9
Holy shit! I can only describe this chapter in two words: sexy and hot.
babymorris chapter 10 . 6/9
What a rollercoaster! Anyway, I’m kind of worried that Tori is having blackouts while driving because that kinda be hella dangerous. I have traumatic experience from other Jori fics who does the car crashing incident trope frequently.
babymorris chapter 8 . 6/9
Drunk!Tori is crazy and funny as hell! I don’t think I can stop myself from laughing the entire time
secretflame chapter 21 . 5/31
hi! I have no idea if you'll ever see this, since this fic is...god, what, 7 years old now? But I was re-reading it, and I just noticed that you made a Hills Have Eyes reference, and that's just so fun.

Also I love this fic just as much as I did seven years ago. Thanks for writing it!
theLizardKing420 chapter 24 . 5/31
Hello, I don’t know if you are still using this account or if you will even see this, but I just wanted to say what a great story this has been, and thank you for writing it. This is definitely one of the best fics I’ve ever read, and I enjoyed every minute of it (except maybe when I thought Jade was gonna move the Chicago and her and Tori were gonna break up)! You’re an excellent writer, and whatever you’re doing now, I hope you are still writing. So finally, thank you for writing this. It’s pretty fucking hard to find fics that are actually good and last more than two chapters, and I found it here with your fic. Stories like these mean so much to me, not only because they’re actually really good, but because they provide the representation that unfortunately we don’t really have enough of (although we’re definitely getting better!). This really was a great fic; really wonderfully written, and I will be reading it again in the future. Also a quick side note, I really enjoyed reading your little authors notes before and after each chapter, they always made me smile!

Thank you, and great story!
thewaterymellen chapter 24 . 5/24
oh my god. i can't even begin to describe how much i loved this story. it's 2:19 am, and i have to get up early tomorrow... but reading this is a completely worthy sacrifice.

this has been in my reading list, and i'm preetty damn sure i finished it, but somehow, i CAN'T REMEMBER IT, WHICH I'M TERRIBLY ASHAMED OF BECAUSE IT'S SUCH AN AMAZING STORY. so maybe i didn't haha. but i finished it now, and to be honest, this is going to be one of the many, many jori fanfics i'll read, but i know i'll remember this one.

it's been a while, and i doubt you're seeing this, but in no way will i be able to express how much i loved this story in words. and trust me, it's up there, wayyyy up there, rivaling the classics like Just a Stage Kiss, Streetlights, and I dare say Like Cats and Dogs. simply one of the best fics in this entire freaking fandom.

and trust me, that's a compliment, because you have no idea how many amazing writers this fandom has. i'm amazed and shocked and in awe of your talent and your aility to apply your humor in such a unique and in-character way tht only makes this book so many times more amazing. i truly loved this bookk ((:

i enjoyed every chapter of this, all 160000 words (!) and gah i just can't even describe how i feel about this fic in words... and rarely do fics mess with my emotions like this.

well done, my friend, well done :))

(i found this as a repost (?) on wattpad haha and i had to come here to levae you a review!
Literatureetiquette chapter 24 . 5/19
Absolutely incredible story
purestilinski chapter 24 . 5/5

I don't know if you'll ever see this because this story was finished a long time ago! But I've come back to the Victorious fandom after being away from it for a very long time. I never read any fanfictions back when the show was airing. In fact, it wasn't until the show got put on Netflix that I realized I shipped Jori in the first place. Afterward, I dove headfirst into fanfiction and, after reading a couple, I was recommended this by a good friend.


There are so many words that I want to use to describe the experience that I had reading this, but I can't honestly think of how to really format my thoughts as I write this. I finished the last chapter at 2 a.m. and had to sleep on it before typing this because I was an emotional wreck. I became more invested in this fic's universe than the actual show. You took Yerba (my absolute LEAST favorite part of the show) and turned it into the starting point for an epic, sprawling fanfiction that lets the reader experience the journey from Jade finally letting Tori in to them finding love. Honestly, you did this so perfectly that it baffles me. This is my favorite piece of fanfiction I've ever read. And it's inspired me to try my hand at writing a huge Jori fanfiction as well.

I don't know where you are in your life right now, but I hope you're doing well. And I hope you see this and know you've truly created something special. Thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/10
33reviewer chapter 24 . 4/8
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