Reviews for Like a boy
Guest chapter 5 . 4/9
This is one of the best Dom and Letty fics I have ever read. So good!
summerpoint chapter 5 . 7/29/2015
This is one of my FAVORITE stories, I just LOVE it! It's about time Dom got a taste of his own medicine with Mia and friends to the rescue.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
This was actually a really good story which got even better and better , it kept me entertained being alone all day and I luv reading your fan fiction , you should so make more like this that is longer but leads to something just like this one did , I absolutely love the ending , this was the second one of your fanfictions I read and I'm already loving it , keep on going there really good ️
Tami chapter 5 . 1/26/2015
Great ending! Especially Dom coming to terms with what they did to teach him a lesson. Hopefully he will remember it long term!

" It felt pretty shitty to be on the receiving end so I now I knew how Letty felt every time I went out and came home in the early hours of the morning. Not to mention everything else."


"I'm sorry." I whispered looking at her honestly while we ignored the laughs from everyone else as they helped Mia clean up."
"Never again Let… you know I never meant to hurt you."

Totally with the wait and your excellent build up! Thank you! :-) :-) :-) :-)
Tami chapter 4 . 1/26/2015
You HAVE to write more like this one! I love this strong Letty! Who doesn't take Dom's shit but instead of it making ber into a mean bitch, she is in control in a more fun and playful way. Why shouldn't she have fun without Dom? And teach him a lesson at the same time? I love seeing an angry and jealous Dom! So well written!

Ps. I assume Dom was calling Mia's phone too, right? He knows Letty is out with Mia!

But letty drinking and driving was WAAY uncool! That shit gets people killed!
(But presumably Dom comes home after drinking all the time, so now he can see it from the other side!)
Tami chapter 3 . 1/26/2015
Lol! Glad you had fun writing this, cause I'm having a great time reading it! :-)

Dom with no sex! Priceless!. Cause maybe Letty wanted sex the night before when he ditched her. What kinda boyfriend ditches his girlfriend to go party without her?!

He's such a hippocrite! He can hang out without Letty and she's supoosed to trust him but he needs to know every person she talks to on the phone? Or goes out with? Interesting how he assumes it could be a guy she met at the track. What happened to all that trust he was going on about with Letty. I guess he thinks that only applies to him. And keeping her phone on and answering his texts and calls (something he doesn't seem to do.)

It's good to see Dom begging her to spend time with him for a change!

You are awesome with this story! Since Dom can't seem to change when Letty talks to him, I guess he has to learn a lesson the hard way!

Ps. Letty using Doms words back at him (and him not even noticing) was a nice touch!
Tami chapter 2 . 1/26/2015
Omg! Just found this one and I love it. Dom getting a taste of his own medicine is priceless! :-)
bammbamm28 chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
Definitely one of the best ones. Cute, fun and portrays all the characters well! :):)
Love the writing style!
francis17pr chapter 5 . 7/31/2014
Best fiction ever
Dramamomma19 chapter 5 . 6/7/2014
Loved it it couldn't be better.
amari h chapter 3 . 5/30/2014
That was awesome
Elena chapter 5 . 7/24/2013
Awesome! simply great
Guest chapter 3 . 6/12/2013
OMHat! i frikken love this story man, way to go Letty, making Dom work for it, i do hope that there is some hectic make-up sex coming for Dom&Letty. DON'T dissapoint!
Lawsy89 chapter 5 . 5/2/2013
Mia, the evil genius - gotta love her
Riddicknodefeat chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
great story, luv it
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