Reviews for XCOM: Second Contact
stylo1 chapter 6 . 5/24
your militairy is so fucking u profesional its disgusting.

if a bunch of humans that where captured and drive insane come running at you like beserkers with bomb collars on their necks you make the hard call and kill them to save your life. not in your story though they happily let themself be overrun by walking bombs and lose many soldiers.
stylo1 chapter 4 . 5/24
the request to settle on the relay network makes no sense. they could easily use xanxi as a trading post instead of making many colonies vulnerable to attack. there is only one reason you did this, to progress your plot more allign with canon, no doubt a war with the batarians
stylo1 chapter 2 . 5/23
you are really bad at discribing things, i can hardly make heads or tales from what is happening
Rodenmar chapter 8 . 5/6
You put way too much focus on 'Look how advance we are durr-du-hurr-durr' that the actual storyline is starting to take a back seat. we get it, your version of Alliance is leagues ahead of cannon ME. Can we get on with the plot already?
Revliledpembroke chapter 26 . 2/25
Oh lovely, a cliffhanger. On a story that hasn't updated in 7 years. Yay!
Revliledpembroke chapter 25 . 2/25
I'm always amazed at the surprise everyone feels that something called The Conduit is actually a thing that connects two points to each other and not some weapon.

I would think that somebody in the future would realize what the definition of the word "conduit" actually was.
Revliledpembroke chapter 16 . 2/7
Liara gets a super badass scene while Kaidan is once again KO'ed without much of a fight.

Also, there is absolutely no way in hell that Garrus was able to whistle. He doesn't have lips, just hard plates!
Revliledpembroke chapter 15 . 2/7
Here you had Wrex hesitant to have Liara fight, but he suggested her biotics would be useful in a fight in canon.
Revliledpembroke chapter 10 . 2/7
Surprised you didn't use one of the DLC characters as your Volunteer. The French woman or the Chinese gentlemen...
Revliledpembroke chapter 1 . 2/7
You have no idea how long this will hold your interest?

Oh, that's a good sign.
Revliledpembroke chapter 9 . 2/7
You have Shep refer to the Geth as the Geth at least once in this chapter, despite not knowing what they are before or after that moment.
Stalking Fan chapter 26 . 1/11
*Your Extinction is at hand. bear witness to the end of your era*
yeah sorry Sovvy but Hiatus/dead fic also applies to you.
ironboy32 chapter 26 . 1/1
hold up. where's the rest of it
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Guest chapter 2 . 12/3/2019
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