Reviews for Rationality Lost
Writing is Necessary chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
This was great! Really funny, and sexy! And the characters were in character! I think Grimmjow and Renji having sex is just like you described - rough, hot, with a lot of swearing, blood, fun and definitely satisfaction XD

I really like this! You're great with your bloody/gory fics but you are also amazing with lighter stuff. You stay true to yourself, and that is what I like you and the your stories the most!
xJKxD chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
I love you xD Grimm is just awesome *grin* and I totally see that happening..Urahara is a genius after all xD Ahh I love how u even involved Urahara baby for me *hug* Thanks so much and you did an awesome job like always even if the gore is missing :P *goes back and enjoys some more of the skin clawing and biting...*...hrhr...xD
ZombieExterminationSpecialist chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Looooove it! Lol poor Urahara!