Reviews for Of a Lifetime
hotfictionff chapter 2 . 4/2
KoteDiM chapter 2 . 5/5/2013
Just realised after reading this story again, again, again.. That I've never reviewed. Gasp! But I love reading this fic. It's sweet and so incredibly sad.
Great job on writing this
Com2meZT chapter 2 . 3/12/2013
If only this had happen then so much pain could have been avoided, when they got back together.
Robern chapter 2 . 2/8/2013
Very good.
Anonymous033 chapter 2 . 1/26/2013
I don't really think they slept together either, but you already know that :P

Look, I'm finally reviewing this!

You're going to kill me for all the new reviews I'm giving you. But honestly, I don't know how to review this, haha. It's a lot of smut, basically, so unless you want me to give feedback on how explosive the sex was...

It was very explosive sex, by the way.

And kudos for the humour in the middle :P I think Tony's beautiful, though. He's hot and handsome, sure, but he has a beautiful personality XD how's that for making your smut sappy, huh, huh?

You're really getting better at writing it, though XD it seems to get more detailed every time you write it, haha!

"'You have to go,' she manages to say without her voice wavering too much. 'And I have to go.'" BWAH.

You know, I kind of like that he slipped out into the mid-morning light. I know it makes the most sense time-wise, but quite apart from that, it feels more like closure to me than his slipping out into the dark night or under the early-morning light. 'Cause man, that'd just be depressing, like their futures are bound to be dark or grey from then onwards.
But the mid-morning light feels ... a little like hope. 'Cause they're going to miss each other for the rest of their lives, but at the same time, they have a memory that will give them more than an unsatisfying hug next to a car in the Navy Yard's parking garage ever could.
You probably think I'm crazy now, but I see it that way. (And that's why they should meet again under the mid-afternoon sun.)

Favourite sentence: "She keeps her eyes open and he does the same; she can barely see through the film of moisture covering hers, but his blue-green orbs still get imprinted on her mind." GUH.

Tony7323 chapter 2 . 1/17/2013
Pissed Off Poet1 chapter 2 . 1/2/2013
Very very very good. Sequel? Please? Already have ideas if ya want them;)
naTIVAlu chapter 2 . 1/1/2013
Gosh, Anne. I can't believe I was getting sad reading smut. Sad, Anne, sad! And I don't even know whether I'm blaiming you or complimenting you, lol :P well it's not really your fault that they had to separate, that was the NCIS writers' fault...


It was a great two-shot, the smut and the emotions and the combination of them together.

The beginning of the first chapter was as real as it gets... I could totally see it happening. And the hug! THE HUG! Regardless of how much *I* loved THE HUG ('cause, well, it is me :P), it made SO much sense to me for canon Judgment Day. Really.

And the 'one last chance to make memories together'... I'm with you. I don't REALLY think they slept together before going their separate ways, but it doesn't seem out of place, either.

Brambleshadow of WindClan chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Love this. It's so sad and sweet, but well, hot at the same time. And totally within the realm of possibility - I mean, I could actually see it happening in the show. (Well, not really, but you know, if the writers added this . . . which they didn't. *sigh*) Anyway, very well written, emotional, and real.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/31/2012
Good story
alexindigo chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
Really, really love this Anne. I'm with you on them having a heartfelt farewell, especially after what happened with Jenny.

I saw a clip with CdP and MW and CdP thinks that they may have slept together in the past while MW thinks they haven't, so really I think it's up to us. It definitely sets up S6 and explains how devastated Ziva must've been that Tony didn't keep in touch and how it could've been the catalyst for her relationship with Rivkin.

Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a happy new year. :)
TivaGirl chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
Ahh *falls off couch* that was amazing! "I just really need you, Ziva." This line was soo sweet and sad and perfect! Haha, great job! You should definitely write more ;) loved it!
HelloPeoplePerso chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
awwwwwww! you should makes epilogue where they meet again! And do all kinds of tivalicious things..
person chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
Noooooooo! Please make a sequel! I wanted to cry! Please! We need a happy ending!
DS2010 chapter 2 . 12/30/2012
happy tony and ziva are in love, too bad they have to leave each other. here is to long distance relationships
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