Reviews for The Lion King V: Man Comes to the Pride Lands
Interstate2011 chapter 6 . 3/12
This may be a coincidence, but since the age of 4, the boy doing the speaking voice of Young Simba, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, is a vegetarian, too.

(I posted this review so I wouldn't forget this is where I found a human explaining his vegetarianism.)
ChaosSyndrome chapter 3 . 10/29/2019
Fuk u for this chapter! We all now that squash banana that Rafiki drinks makes him immortal right?
Grey917 chapter 7 . 10/7/2018
I can't believe I didn't make the plausible connection earlier, but did you name Daniel after the bible story Daniel in the Lion's Den?
Toothless 1998 chapter 6 . 10/19/2017
Yeah I like your series, especially how semi canon characters. About the VitanixKopa shipping, I'm not a fan of it either but unlike the trolls, I can except you ship them. Anyway, Asante are you writing anything new?
Lt. Basil chapter 16 . 8/26/2017
Holy crap, I can't believe that I didn't make that connection to "Daniel in the Lion's Den". That is awesome. And very fitting.
I love your stories. The characters, the concepts, all the references and Timon and Pumbaa's fourth-wall breaking, they are all amazing. Really looking forward to reading the last one.
Lt. Basil chapter 15 . 8/26/2017
Someone appears to be a Narnia fan :) Love that little Aslan cameo at the end. Even if it isn't technically canon to this story.
somethingnewnamesomething chapter 11 . 6/6/2016
Damn Daniel, back at it again with the GODDAMN NARNIA JOKES
somethingnewnamesomething chapter 6 . 6/6/2016
Next up: The Pride Lands meet Top Gear. God help us all..
somethingnewnamesomething chapter 5 . 6/6/2016
In other words, Mufasa just fucked up Daniel's chance of getting back into civilization because he now sounds like a lion.
*Mufasa Ghost Industries - ruining Human's lives ever since I was run over by wildebeest*
somethingnewnamesomething chapter 4 . 6/6/2016
Holy crap. Now how's he going to react when he finds a bunch of hyper-intellegent herds & lions all living in one kingdom? More to the point, how will he react when he finds out they can TALK. AND HANDS. AND EARS. SO MANY QUESTIONS AAHHHH!
somethingnewnamesomething chapter 3 . 6/6/2016
God dammit Timon, stop breaking the fourth wall! ASANTE! WE SHOULD BUILD MORE WALLS! and no that is not a Trump reference
Bryce chapter 16 . 2/21/2016
I FEEL SO STUPID RIGHT NOW! I just figured it out at 12 o,clock February 22, 2016! " Asante sana squash bana..." Rafiki in the Lion King. YOU HAVE THE RESPECT!
Bryce chapter 15 . 2/21/2016
Angeltiger777 you bring humor to a dark moment and it makes me enjoy the reading so much more.
Bryce chapter 8 . 2/20/2016
On your weight scale for the lions, think Mohatu and Ahadi should be switched because in my research on TLK, Mohatu was the largest lion ever to come to the Pridelands. And Ahadi was just a yellow version of scar but huskier.
badass chapter 13 . 11/23/2015
I HATE vegetarians, they are unnatural.
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