Reviews for Another Song
Girostritron chapter 5 . 4/18/2016
oh my gosh the mood swings this fic gave me were all over. I went from not being able to stop smiling to sobbing in minutes.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/23/2015
its a lovey story but sad all the same
gahlifre chapter 5 . 12/16/2014
This is such a beautiful fic, probably one of my favourites in the whole wide world. Thank you so much for this brilliance.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/20/2014
o h my gawd that is absolutely the BEST thing ive ever read. it was well written and I just feel im love w/ it and you made it feel like this was something that somebody had written for an episode not just a cheap "i wish" splurge on a website. I was crying along w/the doctor and river and Freya! so friggin cute! great job! 3 vannah
Blueyedgirl chapter 5 . 9/13/2014
Oh the feels...this was fabulous!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/9/2014
FEELS! Oh my god that was brilliant and beautiful and the saddest thing ever. I love your fanfics there so... AMAZING! Keep writing!
tardisgirl01 chapter 5 . 1/8/2014
Awwwwww... that's so cute! Freya is such a good girl. She must be very smart :)
Artdirector123 chapter 5 . 11/14/2013
Awww! That is so sad and awesome! Love this fic.
Miyu Hinamori chapter 5 . 4/11/2013
You horrible horrible fiend! I could live with River losing the baby. Okay maybe I couldn't but that's how stories go, but this?! You managed to make me cry. Well I would've cried if I was alone, but my sister is in the room and she saw me crying she would not stop teasing me.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/7/2013
That's sweet
As White As Snow chapter 5 . 1/27/2013
Wait. That was the end? As in, the end of the end? Oh... It's so sad. You've got to wonder how poor Freya will feel about all of this when she's older, especially if she retains the whole "connection with the unborn baby" thing.
I'd be interested to see a story about that actually.
Noli oblovisci mirabilis esse!
Hummus and Peeta chapter 5 . 1/26/2013
Awwwww so cute! Freya is adorable! Great story!
10Blue10 chapter 5 . 1/26/2013! Aaaah-*dies*
poeticandvaguelysweet chapter 5 . 1/26/2013
Why are you so brillant and horrible all in one go? Youtake these characters to unbearable places and even though they are bereaved and heartbroken you fix it while leaving the reader sobbing through several feelings. That is a great talent you have, use it for good, not evil. :) I am looking forward to anything else you are aspiring to write. :)
1ttrobinson chapter 5 . 1/26/2013
So beautiful, So sad.
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