Reviews for Okay, Full Disclosure?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23
I'm glad you used your frustrations with the finale to create this work of art! Sums up my conflicted thoughts on the finale perfectly.
I can't believe that some fans still insist it was a fantastic ending. Please! If it was so great where was the legalization of magic, the uniting of Albion, the so-called 'Golden Age'?
Merlin, the most powerful sorcerer to ever live, puts a man who cannot dress himself, above the welfare of his own kind. So much for their 'epic' friendship.
I have no desire to re-watch the ending. Once was painful enough. The only character to get everything they wanted at the end is the dragon!
And Morgana - I only hung around to see her get a redemption arc which never happened! That and her death was very anti-climactic *sigh* But Gwen got the best ending. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!
AntaresTheEighthPleiade has written some of the best fix-it Merlin stories on this site! You should definitely check them out.
Adele Chase chapter 1 . 9/12/2019
I totally understand empathize and agree with you.
Kronus96 chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
The dragon being high explains everything.

Thank you for revealing the truth.
TheButterflyComposer chapter 1 . 1/14/2019
This is fantastic. Inspired my own work on Merlin. And one of the funnier crackfics I've read. Very well done.
Charis77 chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
Ha ha ha ha! Love this. Spot on my own feelings in so many ways after the finale.
Adele chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
I totally agree
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
I'm dead... "IS THAT POT?!"
Julian chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
I stopped watching the show after the first two episodes of s3 on netflix, I hated where show was going and then read and saw clips of how rest of show would go to see if worth the effort finishing. Suprise... No! Can't believe the shitty direction the show wanted to go where Merlin's stupidity and downright cruelty resulted in making two heroes into villains without giving a crap about them. I agree with you in that I thought this was a family show but the deaths in that finale with many being so cruel and unjust just proved that the show was anything but. It was 5 months ago, and I'm still not over BBC's Morgana - one of the best characters of sci-fi I have ever come across. May she rest in peace.
ninagayler chapter 1 . 11/24/2017
Amusing & logical
Isebas chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
I totally agree with what you wrote here. I mean I love the show but seriously what did Merlin accomplish in regards to his destiny? Sure Arthur is King, a peasant is his Queen and commoners can become knights but other than that? What did he do for his people? Nothing. Not sure if you have read it or not but AntaresTheEighthPleiade has a couple of good stories on here that actually go into Merlin actually trying to do things for the magical people. Definitely worth the read.
Lya200 chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
*sob* Your rant at the end is the same as mine. The first time I saw that this was a family show, I snorted because I had already finished the series.
Blue Teller chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
And THAT is why, my friends, I ten times more prefer the fanfiction for this show over the show itself. Seriously.

Kilgarrah is a horrible influence who gives no helpful advice aside from deus-ex-machina spells in the last possible second (really, oh Ancient Wise Dragon who apparently can predict all disasters, couldn't you just train the Prophesied Savior from the start? Or help him find a freaking teacher?!), Gaius is a coward who only tells Merlin NOT to take risks and NOT to do things that need to be done, Arthur is obviously prejudiced but could be easily convinced (IF ONLY SOMEONE BOTHERED TO FILL HIM IN!) if the lives of his subjects were at stake (which happened, I dunno... LIKE EVERY OTHER EPISODE) by the end of the first season, Morgana's psychotic breakdown wouldn't happen is Gaius only bothered to admit that yes, she has freaking visions of the future and as an ex-practitioner of magic her could help her! Merlin never deserved half of the crap he went through, including pointless sacrifices like losing the love of his life AND his long-lost father (WITHING DAYS AFTER MEETING THEM) while the other half would have been infinitely easier to handle with less casualties if only someone actually willing to ACTIVELY help Merlin save Camelot (which were not Gaius and Kilgarrah, obviously) beside Lancelot who, for no good reason, had to be sacrificed too (like, why do only the EVIL guys have power over the Veil and other super-powerful stuff anyway?! Merlin should have been like: "Close Sesame!" and it should DO IT!).

It's like Merlin, despite being the literally most powerful sorcerer of all time, has no advantage over his enemies, no reliable allies (even though the moment he announced himself to be Emrys he could've started a revolution and gathered a FREAKING ARMY), no influence, and gets no respect, even from his friends. He could wipe the floor with his enemies (as he's proven with Nimueh) if only someone gave him good strategic advice on HOW. Merlin has almost completely no blame in all this mess, since he's been thrown into a huge role without any warning, support or even acknowledgement, at the age of 18 after being an ordinary farmer all his life. How did they expect him to save a country all by himself? It's not like Harry Potter, where one reoccurring villain has to be defeated for the war to end (even though THAT story has an enormous amount of plot-holes as well), Merlin was fighting alone against an ENTIRE POLITICAL SYSTEM. With NO SUPPORT WHATSOEVER!

...which is why, like I said, I enjoy the fanfiction more. Because some of the ideas for the show are really amazing and could have been turned into something great and epic.

Unfortunately... yeah, it really could have been better. That sums it up, I think. xD
But anyway, cool story bro. Loved it.
-Blue Teller
93 Diagon Alley chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
OMG I'M DEAD. D-E-D DEAD. That was effing HILARIOUS! And so accurate. And perfect. Well done XD
MonJoh chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
LOL! It is so great when a person can take their pain and anger and release it in comedy. "Well-intentioned extremist". Loved it.
dmarie1184 chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
Oh my goodness I'm laughing so hard at just how accurate this all is. So many plot holes in the show especially in season 4 and 5. And that last episode was terrible. I don't even mind so much that Arthur died since he did in legend but he was practically an old man by then and actually had ushered in a golden age. 3 years (of which we didn't see as viewers) is hardly a golden age especially when magic was still banned.

And honestly I'd have felt a touch better about that ending if they hadn't added that DAMN TRUCK SCENE. I mean WTF was that?!

But yeah this is all right on point and utterly amazing. I will likely be rereading this many times over!
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