Reviews for Don't spend Christmas alone
Aoko chan chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
I cry... Really :'(
Hofund chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
Greetings, Mamera-chan. Chris the Flowing speaking. This is my second communications to you, but since you never replied to the first I'm assuming you won't reply to this either. Anyways, on with the review...
You captured a tragedy in a perfect light. Well, almost perfect. I could see the scenes before my very eyes, unfolding like a movie. I saw the frail form of Miku giving Kariya the will to live. I hereby offer my deepest condolences to Kariya. However, you failed in a the one aspect. I see now that you are clearly a girl, because men would never cry at that sort of thing. It's not that we're stronger or anything-it's simply hardwired into our psychology: the harder something hits the less tears we shed. When the cut runs deep, we won't shed any tears at all. Kariya would be in a tranquil, surreal state, but there would be no tears. Given my analysis of Kariya, the adults are more likely to find him dead on the floor of his room with blood running freely from a slit wrist, throat artery, or maybe both, and with his hand(that held the blade he sheathed in himself) clutching the letter like it was Armageddon's cure. Then again, his feelings maay not run that deep. You did a truly good job here and I commend you for it. Keep it up!
Enraiha2013 chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
Oh My Gosh! This story is so emotional! I literally used up two boxes of tissues! Awesome story!
The one who rests in peace chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
soo toughing...
Gsjjrurhsjfjdjdjf chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
Okay, I must be really dumb if I didn't saw this story...
So... One word...
I mean so sad, and still so touching and beautiful...
Gosh, I almost tear up when I finished...
I so wish now the Christmas again...
Damn it...
Wish you good luck...
See ya.
FluffyLavandelClouds chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
It was so darn cute and at the same time, so sad.
Starheartgalaxy chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
So sad :( ! But its a beautifuk story !