Reviews for Basking in the Sun
silvermoonlit chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
I ship this odd-pair as well... but it's kinda dissappointing that there's only one fanfic about them,, !
SolitaryGray chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
Nice story! I came here looking for a ZenzouXHinowa fic, and yours was the only one.. Thanks for writing. :)
TheInfiniteCanvas chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
This is really nice! Never considered this couple but you made it work wonderfully. I love the way you've characterized him here and how he assesses things through the lens of the whole "stray cat" ninja concept. Thanks for writing this sweet story about everyone's favorite hemorrhoid-filled ninja!
LeChick chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
This is too cute! Both these characters need more fanfic love
myyinfatuation chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
that last line was perfect :)
KidTantei chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
oh god this story is beautiful.

Firstly, well done for making HinowaxZenzou perfectly WORK. I've never thought about this pairing before, but this fic is so sweet and it made me feel like it was definitely something that happened behind-the-scenes of Gintama. I also love the idea of basking in the sun's presence ok, that's genius.

The characters were brilliantly in-character, especially Zenzou constantly thinking of himself like a cat and thinking of the rules of a ninja, and Hinowa being so nice but having her hidden manipulative genius side. I also love the little additions of Gin and Tsukky, and Seita - the funny guy with only seven lines. (That part was very Gintama, so good job adding that in. XD)

So like this is a wonderful story and I might just start shipping this now. Thank you for this. /bows
Redguy221 chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
Wow, this is pretty nice! I never really thought about it, but this pairing may actually work. We need more fanfictions like this! You did a great job, author. :)
eillen-desu chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
This is very... very... very..! Interesting!

Never thought about Zenzou and Hinowa!

miso ramen goddess chapter 1 . 12/24/2012

adorable, simply adorable and then there were the elements of GinTsukky that had me squealing. I had often thought about Zenzou/Hinowa but there were never fic written aboit them, so I guess I never really thought about it afterwards lol. And great job in the samurai/dog and ninja/cat abstracts, well thought out.

But really Wumbologist, great job I hope there is a follow up to this. chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
Very interesting pairing :D I love all the shipping possibilities in Gintama and I really appreciate it when a writer explores them like you're doing xx
kurasuchi chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
Wow, for an unusual pairing you sure have made this turn out to be pretty good.. Great job! And there's a mention of GinTsu as well, so it's double the fun! XD
Tsukai no Baka chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
Liked the story, but if the chance arises can you write another Natsu/Wendy.
heitan chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
woa, thanku for writing somethings about Zenzou.
There are still many mysteries about this man but all that people could remember is just his haemorrhoids ! He can be kind of cool sometimes, doesn't he?
and the whole thing ZenzoixHinowa seems promsing too (although i have never thought about it). Hinowa likes bad man, so everything is fine, right?