Reviews for Halo: First Contact
Guest chapter 7 . 6/17
Well no. If any unsc fan know the ships do not have an ai cor. They are installed in a chip. How else would they transfer from ship to soldier. If it took a size of a room to use a ai, then master cheif wouldn't have Cortana duringbyhe covenant war. Plus most if not all of all the rebels are either align with the unsc or are destroyed. The outer colonies would still side with the unsc for protection. Humans are not dumb. They will not sacrifice protection from annihilation against foreign threats. Ie the covenant war. Thus I can successfully say this story is a bs read if someone know anything about the unsc.
Dark The Bunny chapter 2 . 6/11
If my memory serves me right, planet Harvest had MANY large-scaled battles and skirmishes. It was like a game of tuck-a-war, the UNSC retakes the planet only for the covenant to take it. That's where billions upon trillions of gear and equipment lost on the surface, that's also where the UNSC lost nearly all of its best ground and air assets, and BOY don't get me started about the many warships lost there!
Dark The Bunny chapter 16 . 2/15
Nooooo! I wanted to read this more D;
Dark The Bunny chapter 12 . 2/14
Mac and rocket reminds me of a guy named 'caboose' from RvB, only thing thats missin' is; the childish attitude and a -90 IQ. The guy is known to somehow do the most impossible things, i like him.
Dark The Bunny chapter 1 . 1/31
I just noticed somethin'... If a human's blood is exposed to the vacuum of space... Wouldn't it show as purple? Because no oxygen is in the ship, i learnt that from a biology class.. Ones blood would ONLY turn crimson red IF it comes in contact with oxygen. If i am wrong, f*ck you biology! If i am correct, I LOVE YOU BIOLOGY!
Dark The Bunny chapter 3 . 1/30
I nearly got lieutenant mixed with corporal. Lmfao.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/21/2019
Somebody like mass effect a little to much
rob.york.1690 chapter 16 . 6/10/2019
well well, another story that i found good enough to comment on, and i don't mean to sound pretentious with that statement either, and other than the small spelling issues this was an enjoyable read and i hope you continue it at some point
Husebad chapter 16 . 8/30/2018
Did you ever give a discription of the Tal’sae? I’m confused what they look like. And why make a ship with only energy weapons? Isn’t that a bit over reliant?
Guest chapter 16 . 4/14/2018
Negotiation meetings seem to have been put off for 5 years!
BridgeBurn100 chapter 16 . 10/15/2017
Wow just wow! That was amazing! But god dam why is there no more? Please come back to this!
Nate chapter 8 . 10/5/2017
Mass Effect wank shit fic.

I'm out.
FORGEMaster chapter 16 . 7/15/2016
What ever happened to this story? It's brilliant man or woman if I'm wrong.
FYAT chapter 16 . 1/3/2016
Horizon Unsheathed chapter 16 . 11/2/2015
shame this is dead. i really enjoyed it
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