Reviews for Kuroko no Basuke Drabbles
Yeetman6900 chapter 2 . 8/3/2018
Description on Aomine's porn.
Dhea30 chapter 4 . 2/20/2015
Oh... I LOVE this! Please make another Overprotective!Momoi again! Or maybe another Kuroko x Momoi but from Kuroko's PoV! XD
Ichiume chapter 4 . 8/18/2014
Hi again! Just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your take on Momoi! There aren't enough of these stories at all. Yours are great though, looking forward to your next chapter! :)
Ichiume chapter 3 . 8/18/2014
Oooh my, I looooooove this chapter. Hyuga and Riko are totally meant for each other and I think you totally captured the feels perfectly! What really sold me though was Teppei. Love love love love loooooove Teppei here.

Thanks for sharing this fic with us readers!
kalliopee chapter 3 . 3/14/2014
That's really good. Thanks for writing! :)
Merlin's Starry Underpants chapter 4 . 12/10/2013
This is amazing! I never thought I'd like this pairing, but I did! Thanks to you! It makes me sad at the lack of fanfic and Fanart Momoi has.
Mayuka chapter 4 . 8/13/2013
Fun oneshots! Love your simple, clean writing style!
littlejune131 chapter 3 . 7/4/2013
This made me smile. Arigatou! :D
NeutralEvilz chapter 4 . 4/27/2013
My sides. They no longer exist XDD
I love the humor in this. And both my *straight* OTPs XDD
And from this moment on, my description of KnB will forever be "a bunch of guys who have clearly never thought about sex before because they are too busy thinking about basketball make a lot of unintentionally innuendo-laden comments to their teammates and rivals. And then there's Kiseā€¦"
LOLOL anyhoo, I really enjoyed this fic! Thanks for writing this! XDD
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Looking forward for more chapters :) Kudos!
IceMaize chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
I love this. The writing style, everything :D
Crazyanime chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
Ha ha ha! I couldn't stop laughing. I agree with you though. But I think in some way Kuroko is still Kise's instructor. I mean look at the manga! at one chapter when Kise is feeling so depressed in a match, Kuroko who was going to use a microphone to shout to his school, shoute to the whole stadium that he believed in Kise. I thought that was cool. But Kise is not the only one though... did you read the character bible? Kagami's preference is a nice..person. I laughed so hard. Anyway I loved Momoi since the beginning and I love this drabble too. :)
Infinite Skye chapter 4 . 1/20/2013
I'm glad that my comments make you smile then! But seriously, I love whatever you write. You just portray things so well that it's completely fine by me that this isn't Kimomo, in fact I'm starting to love the notion of Momoi secretly hating on Kise for clinging onto Kuroko lol. I've always considered Momoi and Kise to be like the "Kuroko FANCLub" duo or otherwise, the cheerful and peppy duo that generally lightens the mood. But you're definitely right, who knows? Momoi might not want to share at all XD And regarding you post about Kise, I totally understand what you mean. In recent chapters Kise isn't fawning over Kuroko at all. It makes me reconsider my character analysis of him (unless this is the author's retaliation against the fujoshis lol). In any case, great chapter, I hope to hear more from you!
hitomi65 chapter 4 . 1/20/2013
nice chapter
DPH chapter 3 . 12/24/2012

please continue because I'm liking this a whole lot more than I thought I ever would.
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