Reviews for Faith No More
randomplotbunny chapter 16 . 9/13/2019
Your stories are brilliant but I'm howling in frustration that so many of them cut off so suddenly just as I've been completely sucked into the world you've created and am fully invested in the characters you've brought to life.

But even for all that I don't regret reading your work for a moment, it's just too good!

This was a fantabulous story and I'm so glad Faith is getting a second chance to do things better. She really deserves it. :-)
Strangelove.MD chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
I really enjoyed reading this. It might be the first time I've liked a peggy sue that had a romance with their original partner. Usually it's extremely offputting but you managed it.
Genesis chapter 16 . 2/26/2018
this was a very good story, shame it has not been continued in years.
SeanHicks4 chapter 16 . 2/19/2018
Interesting redo fic, hope you come back to it.
nightkitty555 chapter 16 . 8/23/2016
nightkitty555 chapter 10 . 8/22/2016
I had no idea Nicholas Brendon was a twin. That was a fun rabbit hole. Still really liking this story.
nightkitty555 chapter 4 . 8/22/2016
Really liking this.
mordreek chapter 6 . 6/26/2016
You referenced Slock mercenary and used the maxims are now one of my favs even if you are keeping angel alive :p loving the story so far and Faith making a real difference here.
NarutosBrat chapter 11 . 5/25/2016
You know, I always figured Willow as more Bi, and being capable of falling for whomever she fell for, rather than truly being a lesbian. I always figured she just went full on lesbian, because she couldn't have, or refused to go after for one reason or another, the one guy she actually wanted.
NarutosBrat chapter 10 . 5/24/2016
Your only children theory makes sense, only I'm not sure Xander had a twin. I'm more inclined to believe that he had an older sibling that was maybe 4-5 years older, was the apple of their parents' eyes, and was everything that Tony and Jessica Harris wanted in a child. When that sibling went missing, the Harris parents resented Xander for not being the one taken.
NarutosBrat chapter 4 . 5/24/2016
From what I could tell, I think Buffy was gone for the whole summer, a couple weeks at the end of the school year, and at least a couple weeks to a month of the beginning of the school year.
KorpaKejsilic chapter 16 . 1/22/2016
Thanks for writing this. It is a great story. Great character development. Interesting. A pleasure to read.
bigfan22 chapter 1 . 11/17/2015
This is another one of your stories that I had the pleasure to re-read, and once again it was just as good as the first time. Normally I'm a big fan of the Cordelia/Xander pairing, but Faith is a character that I really liked from the show, and lately I've been finding several enjoyable fics that paired her off with Xander. So far your portrayal of a future Faith has been absolutely spectacular, and I believe you have done an excellent job of showing how much she's changed over the years. Gone was the Dark Slayer that briefly played on the evil side of the line, and in her place was a happily married woman that "made her bones" as the most famous Slayer in the world. I especially enjoyed the small flashbacks you gave us between her and Xander, and I like the fact that she's so hands on with making sure her husband to be never gets looked upon as a Zeppo. Overall this fic has been a blast to read, and in my opinion one of the best portrayals of Faith in the stories I've read so far. Considering how long this fic hasn't been updated, I'm really hoping you have several new chapters already written and just waiting to be posted. Great job and I hope we get another update soon.
BakenandEggs chapter 16 . 9/24/2015
This is awesome! I really hope you come back to it one day.
Saul Good chapter 16 . 6/11/2014
The girl-gang line was great
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