Reviews for A Visit From the Avatar
pachysam chapter 1 . 11/26/2013
Great story!
Aww! This young Iroh's a lot more grown-up! Willing to take the blame for his own mistakes and by doing so impresses Aang!
Kawaaii-SuperHer0 chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
question? do you think agrand daughter of Ty Lee and Iroh (2) would make a cute couple (if ty lee actually had a grand daughter) or am i just insanley making up couples in my head.
Mysterious Jedi chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
This was a very cute little story. Poor Iroh, he should have known better than to listen to his friends. I'm glad Aang wasn't mad.
Nagito's Waifu chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
Cue.Mysterious.Music.Rite.Now chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Ahhhh! I love it!
Alabaster86 chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
I really enjoyed this story. Little Iroh is a sweetheart with quite a bit of Zuko in him.

You did well with the interaction between the children. And Iroh, wanting to impress, makes his error..typical kid and that's a good thing.

The bonding scene with Iroh and Aang is spot on too.

Also like the beginning with Zuko taking pride in his family.

Side comment that has nothing to do with your story..gotta say that I HATE the name 'Honora' for Zuko's and Mai's daughter..ugh..but that's just my opinion. Fandom seems to have grabbed a hold of it.

Anyway, very sweet story...made me smile.
Private Fire chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
Oooo! Baby sky bison cuddles! Sign me up!

I like the set up for the kid's point of view on things. They would think that flashy is best and talk/push Iroh into the more advance form. I also like that you have a child who has been influenced by elders who held true to the old mentality. That is a good point. People are shaped by what they are taught as much as they are from their own experiences.
itsallanoxymoron chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
too many feelings

I think you're a perfect person for writing this


the noises i made weren't human

ok bye

keep ritin foreva

Jokermask18 chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
This is great. BTW, Aang died at 66 because his time frozen in the iceberg, he was stuck in the Avatar State. This put a massive strain on his body and reduced his lifespan.