Reviews for Good Cop for Good Cop
elflife chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
Amazing.. i just found it and read it.
please writ more
and lots of Thank you.
Spaceape chapter 10 . 11/14/2013
I've got just one word for you:
This was amazing, definitely one of the best flashpoint fanfictions out there, no doubt about it! I enjoyed reading every bit of it!
This could easily have been the original episode, that's how good this is!
I'm definitely going to check out your other wok, if you have any!
Keep up this wonderful work!
Shoyzz chapter 10 . 9/2/2013
This story was aweeesome! Loved it since it started!
Read it all in one day xD
Shaydey82301 chapter 10 . 8/4/2013
Angelinsydney chapter 10 . 1/25/2013
Thank you for writing this... it was entertaining, well written, superb in so many levels. Hope to read more of your stories.

I also wish I can write like you,

kdj539 chapter 10 . 1/24/2013
I really enjoyed this story - thanks for writing! Spike stories are my favorite! Can't wait for your next one.
Zaidie chapter 10 . 1/24/2013
Fantastic story, I enjoyed it throughout. I'd love to see a follow up with Spike dealing with the aftermath.. Anyway, I thought it was really well written, and hope you keep up the writing!
vbm chapter 10 . 1/24/2013
Thank u for such a wonderful story...hope u would come up with more spike stories.
kdj539 chapter 9 . 1/19/2013
Wow - glad they got Spike out ok. Update soon.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/17/2013
I was going to favorite this story and then suddenly I realised I already have.

Thank you for writing such an adorable masterpiece.

You rock.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/17/2013
I love Wordy's solution for Dog. Knew he'd come up with a fatherly way of handling the kid.
Wordy Fan chapter 9 . 1/17/2013
"Sir, Mr. Glass Jaw Matt Anarchist Punk, you are under arrest. You are unconscious…."

hahahahaha! I loved it!
i love the different sides of Wordy we get to see. He isn't a main character in this story, but he still gets to show off some. He so would come up with "One Shot Wonder."
Andorian Ice Princess-AIP chapter 9 . 1/17/2013
Wow just caught up and I think I am still holding my breath! can I exhale now? lol great job describing the angst...loss...terror...pain and of course a few high fives at the end here. Didnt think you'd kill spike but then...wasn't sure lol thanks for not btw! Bring on the ending and thanks for a most enjoyable read!

Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
Ealasaid Una chapter 8 . 1/11/2013
Dog is willing to save Spike no matter what. He was just trying to stop Matt.
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