Reviews for The Gods Too Are Fond of a Joke
justjoe chapter 6 . 4/17
A very interesting story! Very well written and creative. This is a side of Bruce/Bats that we rarely (or ever) see. Harley was very well done. I really enjoyed the layers of her character shown here.

The only miss for me was Arkim. The security seemed even worse than usual. If I'm Batman, I'm wondering why I even bother, especially after having his heart broken.
The Mexican Taco Overlord chapter 6 . 3/31/2016
I won't lie, I shed a couple of tears with the ending...

Right in the feels I tell you
vvink chapter 6 . 1/3/2016
I really hate Bruce Wayne. I don't know why, maybe it's because of his chin, too square for my taste, hahaha! But I absolutely love your story, always well written and very funny. Thanks again!
Lucy chapter 6 . 6/11/2015
crap. this fanfic has a great plot it crushed my heart.

rate 11/10, no kidding
Violent.V chapter 6 . 4/7/2015
This was just sad. Omg. I have fallen in love with Dr Harleen Quinn as well. Poor Bruce :( I'll fave it though because the plot was strung together so well, the plot twist tore me! Good job.

Mrs.NicaLeeSnape chapter 6 . 3/8/2015
Aww poor bats! Feel bad for the guy. But joker is always number one in harleys heart
Sephiroth 200 chapter 6 . 2/8/2015
Dang talk about hurt city.
Sephiroth 200 chapter 5 . 2/8/2015
She even had me fooled!
Sephiroth 200 chapter 4 . 2/8/2015
dang it joker!
Sephiroth 200 chapter 3 . 2/8/2015
Once again fantastic chapter!
Sephiroth 200 chapter 2 . 2/8/2015
Great chapter!
Sephiroth 200 chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Keep telling yourself that bats!
Ms. Harley Toddington Lovett chapter 6 . 7/5/2014
It was all going good for my shipping... Until chapter five. I wanted to smash my face into a wall, then cry for three days. If you could see my face right now, it would be showing horror, betrayal, and sadness. I do, however know this is an old story, and you are very loyal to this pairing. Still, I almost cried myself to death. Poor Bruce didn't deserve that... :'(
kari8888 chapter 6 . 12/1/2013
well, it has always seemed to me that batman envies Joker's relationship, because Joker has a devoted woman
Holdim chapter 6 . 12/17/2012
Everyone's commenting on how they wish Batman and Harley stayed together, and I'm just sat here thinking "thank god, it was all a lie."

Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy Batsy's misery. He's a great guy who's important to me, and it makes me feel good when he gets a little bit of happiness. But I really don't like Bruce and Harley being together.

Mainly, it's because I'm a Joker and Harley shipper. I could write a book and numerous sequels on the insanity of their relationship, and just how wrong it is, but I love the couple being together. Maybe it is the twistedness of them that makes me believe they belong together, and that they wouldn't work with anyone else. In a strange way they are perfect for each other, and the tradegy/comedy derived from their relationship is interesting and funny at the same time. When I was really young, Joker was my favourite Batman character. Then as I got a bit older, Harley overtook him and she is still my favourite character now. So having your two favourites as a couple is pretty sweet. Also I find it hard to truly see the Joker's gal changing completely to a good guy, and getting with Batman. I think she loves the rogue life a bit too much for that.

I really like how you've ended this piece, as it does kinda sum up what it sacrifices are made to be Batman. Occasionally I'll be pleased about his relationships (with Catwoman in Hush, for example), but the majority of the time they can be embarrassing and, in my worthless opinion, not right for him. So I don't mind Batsy finding someone, it's just who it is, and how it's presented, that makes up my mind about it.

Sorry for my stupid thoughts about the characters, I really should be talking about your story! I did enjoy it, and I liked the insights into what it means to be Batman. You kept up the excellent writing all the way through, and I loved the ending. Well, I suppose it's obvious that I would. :)
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