Reviews for Wolf Warrior
Houndcrush chapter 3 . 9/22
This is such a well written story. I loved everything about it - their conversations, the feelings that they have for each other and their physical expression of desire and affection. Of course they will do it again! They love each other and have mated for life.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/2/2015
I thank you so much for writing this. It was absolutely brilliant! It had tears welling in my eyes from the beauty of it. You did the pairing wonderfully. Thanks once again!
TeresaTrav chapter 3 . 1/6/2014
I didn't have to wait as I just found this fic. ...big grin... Love it..
ADKhike chapter 3 . 12/24/2013
this was great! I stumbled into this story from a link on Tumblr to your modern AU story (also marvelous) but this one was just fantastic!
Tiefschwarz chapter 3 . 12/1/2013
Your prowess in lemons is divinely exquisite. Thank you so much for creating this delicious sensual in-character SanSan and may the muse inspire you for more!
SecondsTillWakingHour chapter 3 . 9/15/2013
It was worth the wait, a lovely fanfiction, so beautiful, and well executed.
Dollyrocker85 chapter 3 . 8/31/2013
Sweet Jesus! Thank you Thank you Thank you! This was brilliant! Breathtakingly brilliant!
magnus374 chapter 3 . 8/25/2013
I enjoyed it. It had a nice feeling.
novasupernova chapter 3 . 8/21/2013
Great smut!
crushnotsosecret chapter 3 . 8/20/2013
It was totally worth the wait! It was beautiful and incredibly hot!
Love it! You made me fall in love with sandor all over again...
coco181 chapter 2 . 3/16/2013
I really like this story. The charcters r well written and i like how Sansa has some fight in her. Im excited for chap 3
gabielel chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
Ack! Whats going to happen next!?
grumpirah chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
great start