Reviews for The Sister and her Soldier
Ultimate.Trash.Weeb chapter 10 . 4/24
I do hope you continue the story. I really am enjoying this! Nothing worse than a story that will never be complete...
Guest chapter 10 . 10/7/2019
Yo, this story is fantastic. I hope you can continue this.
Dave chapter 10 . 7/14/2019
Very well done! Please, please continue!
ForgottenPrince chapter 10 . 4/11/2018
On my. Absolutely cant wait for more.

Best regards,
dontaskimdissapointed chapter 10 . 4/9/2018
MASH THAT MF LIKE BUTTON this was one of the first fanfics I ever read on this site, an update after all this time is inspirational.
DarionDamage chapter 10 . 4/8/2018
A wonderful chapter, well written, and both sad and exciting. I wonder if this is the end or if they find a way to fight off the chaos infection? As I know Warhammer, probably the end...
Guest chapter 9 . 6/23/2017
Hey, if you are stiil looking at these comments and this work, great. I rly love it. Much better than anything I have written, or tried to at least. And I sincerely hope that this amazing story isn't just left to sit and collect virtual dust. So plz plz update it plz, I wanna see what happens!
- A Penguin In Power Armor
HumbleCommoner chapter 9 . 5/14/2017
I'm not sure if you're still on here but this is a lovely story and if you could bring yourself to update I would really enjoy it. The Sisters of Battle don't get enough love and you've made some beautiful characters here and I would love to see their journey continue.
Allyraine chapter 9 . 2/17/2017
It would be nice to see this updated.
French Punk chapter 9 . 10/23/2015
I really think this story is lovely.
I mean. Most fanfictions I come across are badly written are really offending the fluff.
But this one, is the golden nugget hidden into the mud. It's well-written and I like the slowly-building romance.

I hope this story is not dead/is not going to die.
Keep up the good work!
bootkr00 chapter 9 . 4/26/2015
bootkr00 chapter 8 . 4/26/2015
bootkr00 chapter 6 . 4/26/2015
bootkr00 chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
bootkr00 chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
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