Reviews for Repeat
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
vc e frocho babaca
notapieceofcake chapter 2 . 2/5/2013
UWWAAAHH! THIS CHAPPY WAS AMAZING!...Especially with Sia's 'You have been loved' as background music at the start of the chapter and Kelly Clarkson's 'Behind these hazel eyes' at/during/near the end!..
AWWWW! KAWAI KISE! I LOVE AOMINECCHII! HE'S O SWEET AND AMAZING!...umm...was this the end of the fic?
notapieceofcake chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
Wooaa! I love this!..
I don't like Haizaki one it, thanks to all the other fics I've read XD so I have no conflicting feelings about him thankfully..
Woa.. I LOVE THE GOM! Aka-chin's awesome and o is atsushicchi and midorimacchi ...and AOMINECCHIII!
So painfully beautiful! .
PrincessLover26 chapter 2 . 1/31/2013
/sobs grossly in a corner and wallows in deep feelings
My hatred for haizaki just increased a tad bit more (coughamilliontimesmorecough) but I still loathe how I like haizaki mixed in aokise angst. However i still do want to castrate the dude and throw the remains of his precious, chopped manhood out of the window. Though for this story, all I could say is - damn (in a good way. A very good way.)
Free of Mundane Thoughts chapter 2 . 12/18/2012
IYAAAN! Aww, I wanna cry. Kise, you poor darling. I just wanna ball up all the fluffy things in my room to squeeze to death right now, jeez. Way to break your readers' hearts, huh? Kise-baby should never have to plead crying like that... that's too sad... D:

Aww, but thanks for writing! Ahh, even though it made me cry.
chi-lin chapter 2 . 12/3/2012
N'awww kiseeee x'3 be with aomine andnforget that haizaki bastard D8
I wished aomine would punch him more! How dare haizaki to made kise like that :'( and and omgeeee aomine is soooo sweet kyaaah XD so gentle and manly :'3
And i love how the others also help aomine xD (midorima xDD)
I love aominecchii no wait kise loves him more, i'm just fans :-P
Can't wait for the updates! :D
I read this twice xD
Oluhasuu chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Guest chapter 2 . 12/3/2012
Beautiful *-*
Really loved it
vespalynd chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
I like it! Kise is so adorably vulnerable here. Although my impression of Haizaki is that he's a jerkass through and through :p
Alchemistry chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
This was really sweet And I love how you made GoM so protective of Kise! Oh, and your writing is really good too, I like the flow a lot! :)
EVOLustory chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
This was almost as fluffy as Kise's fluffy head
JTPham chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
Awww this is soo cute. :') Finally kise admits it, he is so dense! I can't get over how sweet Aomine is, it's crazy. Kise you made Aomine like this (not saying it's a bad thing, it's charming and cute actually).
Lylia00 chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Poor kise, just move on and open your heart for aomine! Haizaki is a jerk, I just want to kill him right now.. Kiseki no sedai is so sweet xD Hope this have good ending, can't wait to see the next chapter :D
JTPham chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Awww kise.. It's gonna be ok you have your team! Listen to Aomine, look at him! Great fanfic!

PS. Haizaki can go die that bastard!
PigeonWife chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Wow! That was really good! I just love the idea of Haizaki being involved in things just because he's my guilty pleasure lol, and throw in some AoKi as well and you've got me hooked!

I'm just wondering if there will be a continuation of this?