Reviews for Thorns of Chaos
MissMJS chapter 30 . 9/23/2017
Wow, that was one psycho lady! Like, damn!
Epilogue already? What about Amy? Is there more?
MissMJS chapter 29 . 6/10/2017
Oooooof course. A chili dog is Sonic's downfall! xD
MissMJS chapter 28 . 4/4/2017
Totally agree with the speed. If he claims the title of fastest thing alive, he may as well be, eh?
Even as an evil scientist, Eggman is a dork. Good lord... xD
MissMJS chapter 27 . 3/4/2017
Aww, it's always a sad thing when one tells a tragic tale. The mysteriousness of it makes it all that worse too!
Glad those two made up though, and I hope Rouge and Shadow don't get too carried away...
MissMJS chapter 26 . 8/5/2016
Hehe, I did indeed enjoy reading this!
MissMJS chapter 24 . 2/28/2016
WHOA! Did not see that coming!
I have a preeeeettty good feeling about who that lady is (forgot her name, heheh)

Love this one too! Kick life's ass and update soon! (Eh, it's a nice thought. No one wins against Life T_T)
shadowhh chapter 10 . 2/5/2016
Beautiful... put more shadamy 'ya know' scenes in please -
Shadowsthebest chapter 23 . 12/10/2015
"Convinced him" Uh huh.
Shadowsthebest chapter 15 . 12/10/2015
Alright alright when does this craziness stop? So far I have read this series to this point and I'm finding some holes in... the plot I guess, maybe the cast behavior but still. First of all, what's with Shadow getting beat by Amy? Oh, right, you opened your magic imagination box and op'ed her. Overkill. Then, Sonic is able to fight her to a standstill. Wait what? I think you are letting some fan-ism cloud your sense of writing. Like, some kind of feminism strand. That's what I'm seeing here, a lot of the women cannon and oc are like on some serious steroids in your little cannon. Except Rouge apparently... Which leads to my next concern. What's with this oc? A while back you told somebody not to op oc characters and yet... I'm not finding much but an crazy powered oc with a spooky past. Rather redundant hmm...? Look at my stories and maybe take a note or two. My oc had a list of powers and weaknesses from day one and I stuck to it. Oh, and while I'm sure you will have Vanilla kick Shadow's ass just cuz, it's ridiculous. Another thing, you broadcast this is about "character development," but the only one to develop is, of course, Amy and her crazy powers. Granted I've only read this far, but I gave up and had to let it out. I had high hopes, but its just ridiculous.
Lacrimas-Aeon chapter 18 . 9/18/2015
Is the Calamity Baroness...


Just guessing. No OC for me~!
Shadowstar146 chapter 20 . 7/5/2015
Absolutely loved Omega's perspective. I don't think you could of been more spot on for this character. Also enjoying the development of Rouge's background. Can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work! :)
Persephone-Butterfly chapter 15 . 5/24/2015
Wow. So we're begin to get some insight into the history of Rouge? Tall order. I wish you the best. Very enticing so far.
The fact that Calamity didn't hold back on Rouge speaks to Rouge's strength/power-something Calamity knows better than the reader. Bravo!
Persephone-Butterfly chapter 14 . 5/21/2015
Cliffhanger! BOO.

Damn, Knux really went IN, bro. But yays for more Calamity Baroness!
Angelicdarknes chapter 11 . 1/3/2015
I love your story but I love to see an oc
Oh happy new year
AnglicDarknes chapter 11 . 1/3/2015
You should do wakfu I love that show it is on Netflix if you need to watch it bye
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