Reviews for Regina's Most Dreadful Nightmare
Guest chapter 4 . 1/31/2014
funny and sweet and just..awesome
lemon-rind chapter 4 . 10/31/2013
This is pretty adorable. Once we get past the separation anxiety I know this will give me until I finish "A Promise Kept". Thank you for the story.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/4/2013
This was sooooo good. The story line was excellent. I'd love to see where it goes next.
Quinntana2 chapter 4 . 7/24/2013
:)(: Wow, wonderful story.
I'm tearing up a little and I really hope she remembers.:)(:
Quinntana2 chapter 2 . 7/24/2013
:)(: Emma is so playful and sweet, it just makes me smile.
Regina is going soft. Yay! :)(:
Quinntana2 chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
:)(: Ooh...this is good and very interesting. :)(:
Transylvanian chapter 4 . 3/3/2013
Good story so far.
Chikiko chapter 4 . 2/16/2013
I am mortified at not having reviewed this! This was a great story as is it's sequel. Thank you for this one and please continue your other great fics
Guest chapter 4 . 1/13/2013
would really love an update to this story its really awesome so far
Joji chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
Oh why did fanfic butcher my previous up alor of words In between. Guess it got jealous of all the praise you were getting tgat it ate my half .
This story needs much much more reviews and reads. One of the best Swan Queen banter is In it. Thoroughly entertaining!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/15/2012
Oh dear God, how I love the way you write the Swan Queen. More. More! More?
LMJM5h chapter 4 . 12/17/2012
Good more pls
Joji chapter 4 . 12/15/2012
"Hey, maybe if you feign illness I can stay home with you," Swan waggled her eyebrows and Regina was mildly impressed that she picked up advanced vocabulary skills. Obviously they must have transferred from Regina's tongue. LoL.

Oh how I love thee. Absolutely Brilliant.
When Emma said remember me this that last scene just killed was like Emma died in the future or something .God if that would happen(not that it will) but seriously I would be so heart broken I would definately cry for I refrain from doing even when I'm watching the sadest, most heartbreaking I know I would if that would have it won't! Thankfully. :D

So sad its .. You insanely talented author are a blessing for the readers and a because we become addicted to your awesome writing skills and than you go on and finish the story and we are left with all these its directly not your fault even if you write a thousand pages and finish the story I will still feel sadness and emptiness at the end. what a chapter LOVE APK is still in progress. Never have I ever fallen in love with charecters this all just proves how amazingly talented writer you are.
Keep up the amazing work.
Joji chapter 3 . 12/15/2012
Oh I love this story so fluency in english is apparent,very much admirable and makes the reading that much more enjoyable. So Bravo!
Secondly I love Emma in this fic and also fics deserves much much more well of the best written Swan Queen fics on this site for sure. I love when writers have such good command on english language and don't butcher the your fics are a delight to read. Keep up the amazing deserve much commendation. Always looking forward to your updates.
A fan from Dubai.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/15/2012
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