Reviews for Ash Wednesday
whatido chapter 11 . 7/17
I love every little bit of this.
The Muse of Apollo chapter 4 . 6/20
Wow, Santos came across really unlikable in this one
Owain1 chapter 11 . 9/27/2017
Really enjoyed reading this story - it's so good at capturing the characters and how they might act with something the show indirectly set up as something that could cause trouble.
One thing I wondered though was if it's still possible to read the fabrication this was a response to anywhere? This is amazing enough on its own, but I did feel like there was a shade or two I was missing out on.
Bearmauls chapter 11 . 9/1/2017
This was pretty wonderful. Also didn't feel like I needed to read the 8th season fics you mentioned. Excellent work in the first chapter summarizing the background. And OMG was that painful when Santos was inadvertently hammering all of Josh's buttons. Great scene, but felt like a gut punch. Excellent fic, made me feel all the feelings.
LemonyLyman chapter 11 . 6/17/2017
Just finished my nth reread of this fic and just... AH I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
Mimbulus chapter 5 . 8/6/2016
This is a fantastic story in many ways, but the Amy-bashing-and in particular, the critique of Amy as a feminist-is absolutely perplexing.

This is Amy's view on women and families, in her own words: "I want women to have help from the government. I want women to earn what men earn. I want everyone to earn enough so that everyone can make the right choice for their family, and after that, it's none of your business who stays home and who goes to work. You don't know more about raising a family than I do."

Over the course of The West Wing, Amy fights for paid family leave. She fights for support for poor and working mothers. You want to float a wage for stay-at-home parenting? You want to float daycare? Amy would be right there.

And for that matter, why would Matt Santos hire Amy Gardner? Because Amy's good at her job.
krg11 chapter 10 . 10/25/2015
Spent time this evening re-reading this. I love fanfics that stand the test of time. This one certainly does.
phoenixi77 chapter 11 . 8/7/2015
I love this story...very nice to see all the characters doing was almost like one of the episodes..
greatestheights chapter 11 . 2/24/2015
I stayed up way past my bedtime last night finishing this and don't regret it one bit. This may sound weird, but it was just...perfectly satisfying. There's something I really love about people getting to understand Josh, but I'm especially enamored with the idea of Matt Santos getting to understand Josh. Their dynamic on the show was so interesting to me; clearly, they're both stubborn idealists who often clash (but are probably far more alike than either of them realize). I always wished that I'd gotten to see them figure each other out, and now I feel like I have. Everyone was wonderful in this story. I loved seeing all of the relationships evolve, and particularly enjoyed Donna and Helen's long conversation. As usual, the way you handle Josh's PTSD is sensitive and completely on point. I also LOVED President Bartlet giving President Santos a call, and I laughed out loud at this: "Apparently Abbey told President Bartlet he should try giving up self-righteousness for Lent."
Swan Crawley chapter 11 . 7/15/2013
I loved this story! You described Josh in a way that was both true to the show and how he must have been when Santos became President! I love Josh and Donna and you wrote them wonderfully!

Keep writing!

Remember When It Rained
InfiniteAnomaly chapter 11 . 1/9/2013
This story is spectacular. I love it (and your "Enigma Variations")...I wish you'd write more like it! Great job!
Gillian Deverone chapter 11 . 12/6/2012
A good story. I'm glad Matt got it all figured out and apologized for being an ass and I'm particularly glad Toby was there (in spirit.) I love that crusty old codger.
Gillian Deverone chapter 6 . 12/6/2012
Oh, Mr. Santos, you've gone too far.
Gillian Deverone chapter 4 . 12/5/2012
What in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on?
Veridissima chapter 11 . 11/25/2012
Love it, really like you make Josh and Santos form a good and strong relationship (that really missed from the show, and the idea that would cause problems in the Santos admnistration, even if I wanted to win, always thought that Vinick and Sheila had a much better relationship)

And the line in chapter 9 "I was really looking forward to hearing my name from him again." from when Jed was talking to Matt just brought tears to my eyes
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