Reviews for And Baby Makes Five
2lazy2login chapter 1 . 6/17
"Leave it to Chuck's sperm to be one to beat the odds." This line had me cracking up. I feel like this totally would've happened. I love this fic so much and will be favoriting it when I log in later. Great work!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
This was a wonderful read !
MidnightRosebud chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Dorota was absolutely beautiful in this story; she had me cracking up every time.

Very cute story. I love the idea of a large family for Blair and Chuck. :)
twlightbella chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
Aww Blair is pregnant withntheir third child
Sierra chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
This was absolutely freaking adorable and I loved it! Thank you for writing such awesome fanfiction!
rawsunshine chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
Oh man, the feels! This was such a sweet story, realistic too. Well, as realistic as anything is for the UES to the rest of us non-upper east siders, ha. You are a very talented writer, thank you for sharing all your stories with others to enjoy!
satomika chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Aki no Ryu chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This was really nice. I like that Blair was stunned and Chuck is elated. It's great that you had the vasectomy in their. If anyone could beat somethign like that it would be Chuck Bass. This is adorable! Thank you! I hope to read more CB oneshots from you!
Lullamasen chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
I LOVE IT! Amazing one shot
havefaithoralotofmimosas chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
What is super sweet about this is how typical Blair this is and Im pretty sure her worries about weight gain and swollen ankles etc. stem from how Chuck finds her in that state, despite two pregnancies I think her insecurities are deep rooted and it is endearing, and due to them more than anything her worry about how Chuck views her is the most endearing part, and relatable. I feel despite being his wife, and the mother of his children at this point, she is still the very very vulnerable, insecure young girl who is crazy about Chuck Bass- and I absolutely LOVEEE that aspect of her the most, from the beginning- and the sweetest and most interesting part about this is now that girl is his wife and now in this stage of their relationship how she and all that hidden vulnerability and her fears are completely exposed to him, even against her will because shes given herself to him and how he handles that, how gentle and sweet he is with her, and how he calms her and takes her unrest away.
Anne chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
I would love to hear a quick reply from you on the anon reviews u have gotten because my friends and I, as i mentioned before, have been reading and reviewing- we dont have ff accounts but we sign our names always, and id like to know your thoughts on a comment i read from suspensegirl in ur comments sections about her wanting to disable anon reviews and finding them annoying bc i was going through ur review section bc i wanted to see what other people thought and the majority of the reviews without ff accounts u have gotten are polite and very nice.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
So cute, her worries, his being so proud and "You know there's nothing I find sexier than you carrying my child." this is so so Chuck Bass, the same guy she fell so hard for, ofcourse there would be nothing sexier to him than impregnating Blair. SO hot and so Chuck, only difference being now that guy is only sexually attracted to one woman. And it is so hot that she is so in pliable in his hands and that he goes straight for sex with her when he finds out and she just moulds to his desires. Again, this is why stuff like this is so much stronger to me than AAF. I didnt find it anywhere as nuanced and I felt Blair was very OOC as was C; I feel she is far to in love with him to act as she did and her general behaviour was unlike Blair, same with Chuck, he would not act the way he did in my opinion, or say the stuff he did. Overall I felt it was far weaker than this and especially Tojours and AON.

Meant as honest pinion and constructive criticism. x
lovely12 chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Please continue :)
Meg chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
I don't know how I missed this story but I loved it. I think Blair and Chuck would definitely have more than one child by plan or accident. Very well done
YourOneLight chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
As you know, I love reading your stories, and this one was no exception. It was warm and endearing, and fully catapulted me into the future family life of the Waldorf-Basses. Your characterisation of Dorota is captured to a tee - "snip snip" ahahaha; the children are sweet and well-mannered (this is definitely a fiction prose!). Chuck is supportive too, her perfect man. I can't wait to see our 'Henry' on the show. Keep writing xoxo
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