Reviews for Alive and Connor
Guest chapter 72 . 8/22/2017
This is one of the best fanfics I've ever read
charlie chapter 72 . 9/25/2014
As a relative newcomer to the delights of being online I have only recently discovered this story & have now reaf the whole thing! While I have been gripped by it and found it entertaining I also have some grievances, mainly the way that, all the way thru you have just practically dismissed the lovely Maria, Liam's WIFE let's not forget, as little more than a minor irritation rather than the only totally innocent party in all this murky business! There has been so much drivel written on this subject that Liam never loved Maria & only ever loved Carla, which is a complete lie! The fact is he did love both tho I never did quite work out if he was just too weak & pathetic to make a choice or whether his over inflated ego led him to think he could have both! Fact remains tho that at the wedding Maria gave him the perfect opportunity to get away & be with the supposed 'real love of his life', Carla, but instead he spent the best part of a Corrie episode begging Maria to still marry him, also after the stillbirth tragedy, again he had the opportunity to leave but went back to Maria! I firmly believe Carla was right at her hen night, when your story begins that once he discovered Maria's pregnancy he would once again have abandoned Carla & gone back to Maria too!
The other thing that annoyed me was your final assertion that Carla deserved a happy ending! Quite how someone who had rejected Liam's advances until he took up with Maria then changed her mind & done everything in her power to split them up & take Liam for herself, even to the unforgivable act of trying to use Maria's fragile mental state after the stillbirth as a lever to prise Liam away, how such a cold hearted bitch deserved a happy ending is a little beyond me I'm afraid!
As you can probably gather this storyline had me well & truly gripped for the whole three years from Carla & Liam's first 'kiss' after Paul died right thru to the big finale with Tony's siege of the factory, it's far & away my favourite ever storyline in the 40 odd years I've been watching Corrie, with brilliant writing & some outstanding performances from Gray O'Brien as Tony, Samia Smith (Ghadie) as Maria & Ali King as Carla! I know others will disagree, probably yourself, but I found Liam actor Rob James Collier's performances a little wooden at times! Iloved the way it divided Corrie fans down the middle into team Carla or team Maria, you very obviously the former, me very obviously the latter, but I also loved how thru various circumstances & shared traumas the two eventually found a sort of friendship, I hope they explore that more in the future as I think there is a sizzlinh kind of chemistry between the two characters that I just don't get with Carla & Michelle!
Right I'm going to shut up now, should you care to discuss my rather long review e mail me at cweb575 would love to hear from you! Charlie Web
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 72 . 4/1/2014
I'm Crying. OhGod. This Was So Perfect!
All So Brilliantly Written And That Is Such A Beautiful Ending!
You Should Be So Proud Of Your Work:) Xo
Avrillena chapter 72 . 3/30/2014
Such a good idea! Would live to see how story would play out with Liam instead of cheating Peter!
ClareTaylor1983 chapter 70 . 2/8/2014
good part
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 70 . 1/17/2014
I Hope Nothing Goes Wrong:o
Always Such A Brilliant Read! Xo
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 69 . 12/16/2013
You are such an incredible writer! 3
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 68 . 12/7/2013
As I Started To Read Chapter 67 I Thought She'd Shot Liam, You Meani;) Thank God Tony's Dead. You're An Incredible Writer3
Gillian Kearney Fan chapter 68 . 11/21/2013
Oh poor Carla I hope she doesn't go down for this she doesn't deserve to. Update soon
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 66 . 10/12/2013
I hope it was Tony she shot! - This is a great fic, and you are an incredible writer. Xx
AlietteJay.Mwah.X chapter 65 . 9/30/2013
I Haven't Been On In So Long, So I Was Far Behind. caught Up Now Though And This Is Amzing. I'm Scared But I Love It. can't Wait To Read More. xx
Noeme chapter 65 . 9/21/2013
I just want Tony to stay away! :(

Also Michelle is being an annoying bitch and just needs to stop investing all her time into making Carla look like a horrible person. It's a good thing that Carla is actually honest with her feelings. Lord knows we need more people with the willingness for self honesty. Liam needs to start being more like that and probably behaves all hostile/ pulls away at times because he feels threatened and wishes he could be more like Carla when it comes to not being afraid of feelings.
Noeme chapter 62 . 8/20/2013
OMG Maria is not really dead?! :O
Gillian Kearney Fan chapter 62 . 8/20/2013
Holy crap. Oh god. RIP Maria. I
Guest chapter 61 . 8/15/2013
she should have changed the locks the first time
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