Reviews for and we all fall down
TamariChan chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
This is creepy in the best, most beautiful way. The Lily you paint with your gorgeous words is heartbreaking and terrifying and so very Slytherin. I can't get this story out of my head!
symphonies of you chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
Molly, this is so perfect I can't. Well, okay it's not /supposed/ to be perfect because of the dark themes, but I love reading these sort of fics with dark themes because they just make complete sense to me.

I love how you characterised Lily in this-slytherin!Lily, aha. I found her fixation with dark magic quite intriguing; it was very different to read. And Teddy, his reaction to the darkness within was quite perfect, really. For some reason, I liked the fact that she didn't change for him, not even when he told her she was inhuman, practically a monster. It showed she was a stubborn, willful girl, though lost.

Lovely job, bb.

slightlysmall chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
This was fascinating. I think the second person worked really well here, and it was definitely dark. I love the snippets of her life we can see as you move through this, and how they fit together, and how she's fascinated by that which her father tried to eradicate. The writing was well done and captivating, and I found myself curious as to what would happen next. It was dark, certainly, but very well written. Great job!
bfaith666 chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
I really like this. Its very deep and a bit morbid!