Reviews for This Old House
Lisa Owens Moya chapter 18 . 2/12/2017
Excellent in every way.
Lisa Moya chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
I adore your touches of humor and you have a way of making the characters so real and so endearing, even the less desirable ones! Write More!
Ghosts and Shadows chapter 6 . 2/3/2016
Interesting premise that Barnabas is getting his feeds from willing women who want his fangs in their neck!

I am impressed that you know of Mozart Fantasias, however I think the D minor one, is the most Gothic sounding and more "Barnabas" that the C minor one, as it moves from dark tones to light tones and captures the two sides of Barnabas's persona.

Also, Mozart was playing on a fortepiano by then and this music was written more for it than a harpsichord.

Here you can see and hear it being played on a replica of Mozart's Walter Viennese fortepiano:

JoannaBlaidd chapter 18 . 10/12/2015
Wow. I did not expect that ending! I loved the humor leading up to it - Willie asking "Are you gonna have to lick my face?" in an earlier chapter, and now deciding it wouldn't be so bad if he were passed out. But wow - after chapters of beatings and abuse (I always have a very hard time with that side of Barnabas), Barnabas is willing to puncture his own arm to heal the damage he's done to Willie's face?! The idea that he could feel that much remorse is intense. That ending is going to stick in my mind for a long time. I'm going to have to re-read some of these chapters tomorrow - I hurried through some of the abuse, and it only belatedly dawned on me that Barnabas was changing; I want to see more specifically how you did it. But I absolutely love it that the story ended up with the characters in this spot, with Barnabas giving blood for once rather than taking it. Really remarkable.

So now is this a self-contained story, or do any of the later stories show consequences of this interchange - if they exchange fluids like this, does that do something to Willie other than heal him? I keep forgetting the rules of vampirism. I guess he'd have to die to turn into a vampire.
JoannaBlaidd chapter 7 . 10/12/2015
I just love the seemingly effortless way that you crank out cleverly realistic dialogue. Like Willie imitating Barnabas's old-fashioned manner of counting - "Well, you got one and zero to do all those jobs and the restorating stuff..." The conversations feel real in part because of that kind of thing.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 8 . 10/9/2015
This is a terrific twist.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 7 . 10/9/2015
Getting better and better.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 6 . 10/9/2015
Loving it. So well thought out, as far as your time frame goes.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 5 . 10/9/2015
Nice. I'm waiting to see what happens to Jason.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 4 . 10/9/2015
I have some thoughts which are probably not proper.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 3 . 10/9/2015
It's so real, I just don't want to stop reading. Thanks for writing this!
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 2 . 10/9/2015
Still loving it.
Cyn Clancurrie chapter 1 . 10/9/2015
Love it, so far. The description is evocative.
JoannaBlaidd chapter 6 . 10/9/2015
Oh my freaking Gods. This is so clever, I'm almost falling off my chair laughing. The idea that Willie would become a vampire pimp and people would be standing in line - I can just see Barnabas pursued by stalkers, much as I think Jonathan Frid was. And I absolutely *adore* the part about how Barnabas would make a grand entrance with a flourish of his cape. Holy moly. This is brilliant.
JoannaBlaidd chapter 5 . 10/9/2015
Sorry I'm just leaving little "reactions" rather than real reviews, but I just love the way you think of details - like the idea of a dead body bucket for the rats after Barnabas is done with them. "like you were eating crabs" - LOL. And the line about "I'm pretty good at spottin' rats." But yikes, Willie has to go find women and bring them to Barnabas?! And his skepticism is very understandable.
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